Great Britain In pictures презентация

Regional division

Слайд 1 Great Britain
In pictures

Слайд 2Regional division

Слайд 3The U.K.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland

Four countries:


Every part has own emblem, flag, capital

Слайд 5Flag of Northern Ireland

Слайд 6Flag of Scotland

Слайд 7Flag of Wales

Слайд 8Flag of England

Слайд 9Emblem of Northern Ireland

Слайд 10Emblem of Scotland

Слайд 11Emblem of Wales

Слайд 12Emblem of England

Слайд 13The capitals of countries are:

Northern Ireland-Belfast




Слайд 14Rivers
The longest rivers are Severn and Thames

Слайд 15Mountains
Tle highest mountains with the highest mountain Ben Nevis are The

Highlands of Scotland

Слайд 16Population
More than 60 million
Main ethnic groups – English, Scottish, Irish,

Welsh and other minority groups
Languages – main language is English, other languages are Welsh, Scottish and Irish Gaelic
The largest cities are London, Bristol, Birmigham, Cantebury, Exeter, Leicester, Manchester, Leeds, Edingurg and Glasgow

Слайд 17London – the city of traditions and exciting places
Red double-deckers –

traditionaly means of transport

Слайд 18The Houses of Parliament Fascinating neo-gothic architecture

Слайд 19Big Ben – Symbol of London

Слайд 20St. Paul´s Cathedral – One of the largest cathedrals in the


Слайд 21The Tower Bridge – beautiful monument above Thames

Слайд 22Trafalgar Square – victory of admiral Nelson

Слайд 23The British Museum – The largest museum in the world

Слайд 24Buckingham Palace – The Queen´s residence

Слайд 25Piccadilly Circus – One of the most famous shopping centres

Слайд 26Royal Albert Hall – Place for the best musicians

Слайд 27I hope you like London ☺

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