Edinbyrgh презентация

LOCATION Edinburgh being the capital of Scotland. a popular tourist town with a rich history and monumental architecture. Live, simple, natural - this is how modern Edinburgh people perceive it.


Edinburgh being the capital of Scotland. a popular tourist town with

a rich history and monumental architecture. Live, simple, natural - this is how modern Edinburgh people perceive it.

Twilight courtyards and paved streets of the Old City make up

a striking contrast to the splendor of the squares and semicircular buildings of the New City, which appeared in the 18th century. This difference you will feel during walking walks, which begin at the Edinburgh Castle, closely connected with the history of the city.

In the capital of Scotland, mild winters and cool

summers. In winter, it is rarely colder than 0 ° C, and in summer the thermometer column rarely rises above +24 ° C. It is worth noting that this climate is very favorable for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract.
A characteristic feature of the weather in Edinburgh are frequent downpours. During the year the greatest amount of precipitation falls on autumn and early spring.

Passionate with the beauties of Edinburgh, tourists should not pass

by an amazing place to visit and a pleasant stay in the northern part of the city. Such a paradise for an excellent holiday, with an area of more than 25 hectares, is one of the oldest botanical gardens in Britain, the Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh
Among the collections and departments of the garden is definitely worth visiting Chinese and heath gardens, a rose garden, a palm greenhouse, an ecological garden, an arboretum and a showroom..

In 20016 this figure, according to the Chief Department of Civil

Status Record of Scotland, increased to 457,830 people, 48% (220,094 people) of whom men and 52% (237,736 people) are women.

Edinburgh was named Best Small Town of the Future and

is the undisputed center in the economy of Scotland. It has in the field of healthcare, business services and retail. The main focus is mainly on the services of banking, financial services, higher education and tourism
Banking has been part of the economy of Edinburgh for more than 300 years. Bank of Scotland - Lloyds Banking Group was created by the original Parliament of Scotland in 1695. Currently, the second financial center of Great Britain after London and Europe is the fourth largest in terms of capital assets..

1. The Royal Mile
The Royal Mile is a collective

name for several streets located in the center of the Scottish capital. Their total length is about 1800 meters, which corresponds to the size of the Scottish Mile. A lot of sights are concentrated here. Mile begins in the square near the Edinburgh Castle, passes through High Street and Lawn Market and ends at Holyrood Palace.

Слайд 92. Edinburgh castle
The ancient residence of the Scottish monarchs, which is

mentioned in documents from the 11th-12th centuries. As a result of years of war with England, the fortress was repeatedly destroyed, after which it was rebuilt again. In the XV century, the residence was moved to the Holyrood Palace, and Edinburgh Castle was used as a prison. In the XVII century, by order of the English monarch Charles II in the fortress was placed arsenal. Since the XIX century it was opened for visitors.

Слайд 103. Holyrood Palace
The official residence of the British monarchs in Scotland.

The palace was erected in the 15th century under the Scottish rulers, later it was rebuilt already under the English monarchs, as Scotland lost its independence. By the beginning of the XVIII century the building came to desolation, only under George IV took up his restoration. Since the 20-ies. XX century Holyrood Palace becomes the residence, where official events are held.


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