Potential plots and financial circle презентация

Слайд 107/06/2017

Potential plots and financial circle

Слайд 207/06/2017

Слайд 307/06/2017

CORE - Map of the potential zones of the interests

reputation, 15 min from the existing and perspective metro stations)

Слайд 4 Bonava Plots check list
City Planning rules
Marketing & Sales
Legal position
Bonava AB

Board Decision


Data Base


Step 1.Identifying prospects. Preparation for the preliminary study.

Step 2. Preliminary study (Pre Study).
preliminary Architectural concept to be done.

Stage 3. Main study (Main feasibility study).
Departments provide it’s researches
Structure and content of the Preliminary market research.
Report on the engineering and technical characteristics of the Object
Due Diligence
Urban planning conclusion on the Object.

Stage 4. Preparation and approval of the Investment proposal (Prepare and Review of Investment Proposal).
Investment Proposal.

Step 5. Submission of the Investment Proposal to the Board of Directors of Bonava Saint-Petersburg,
to the Board of Directors of Bonava AB and the Investment Decision.

Step 6. Executing of the acquisition deal. (Completion of Acquisition).

Слайд 507/06/2017

Financial analyzes – company forecast based on new plot strategy

plot acquisition – December 2017
2 plot acquisition – February 2019

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