Pitching to Investors презентация

A presentation takes the investor on a journey. During the course of the journey, we provide information about ourselves, about our enterprise, our competitors and our business plan.

Слайд 2
A presentation takes the investor on a journey.
During the course of

the journey, we provide information about ourselves, about our enterprise, our competitors and our business plan.

Слайд 3
If we build our journey’s path correctly, the investor will be

able to connect the dots and arrive at the conclusion that we are capable of leading the enterprise to success.

Слайд 4A maximum yield of revenue within a maximum of four years


is the investor interested in?

A winning idea

Someone capable of leading it to success

Слайд 5Richard Branson, entrepreneur and CEO of the Virgin Group, was asked

what is most important in a potential entrepreneurial partner. His answer was:

I Just need
to like LIKE him.

Слайд 6
what does an investor look for in an entrepreneur?

Слайд 7The investor wants someone whose eyes shine with enthusiasm, someone who

will do everything in his power to ensure the success of the enterprise, someone who will sink his teeth in and give it everything he’s got.

Слайд 8The investor wants someone who is knowledgeable in his field, who

is familiar with the needs of his target audience, and who knows what solutions have already been put out there.

Слайд 9He wants someone with experience. And if it was an experience

of failure, that’s okay. Investors like to see that a person is not discouraged, that they try again until they succeed.

Слайд 10The investor wants to see a winning team, a team of

people with a special connection between them, a team that has been through obstacles together, a team of individuals that complement one another. If you’re on your own, you should present your ability to create such a team.

Слайд 11It is important that you have a vision,
but make sure your

vision is realistic.

Слайд 12What about the content of the presentation?

The idea is to step

into the investor’s shoes,
anticipate what his next question might be,
and then provide him with the relevant information.

Слайд 13
Who we are
What we do
Why you should listen

Слайд 14
Pain + Solution
What’s the pain
What are the current solutions
How can you

eliminate the pain

Слайд 15Tell a story

Слайд 16
What else is out there
Why will you succeed where others failed

Слайд 17
The Market
The Competition
Show us you know the market!
Talk with numbers!

Слайд 18
The Team
Who’s running the show
Why are you going to do it


Слайд 19
Business Model
How much does it cost me
What do I get
How will

you spend my money
What is my expected return
When will I see a return

Слайд 20
The Request
Be specific: name a precise sum and what you intend to

do with it.

Слайд 21Conclude with one distinctive,
saleable, fundable sentence

Слайд 23www.present-station.co.il

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