Expert Briefing: State of Bitcoin 2015 презентация

State of Bitcoin 2015 2 March 2015

Слайд 2State of Bitcoin 2015

2 March 2015

Слайд 4About CoinDesk
World leader in digital currency news, prices and information
The Bitcoin

Price Index serves as an industry reference point
International team headquartered in London
Editors based in London, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 5State of Bitcoin 2015
The State of Bitcoin?

Слайд 6A ‘Tale of Two Bitcoins’?
“It was the best of times, it

was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way”

-Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 7Contents
VC Investment
Regulation and Macro
State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 8State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 9From Biggest Annual Price Appreciation in History…
Source: CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index

daily closing price (taken at 00:00 GMT)

01/01/2013 01/02/2013 01/03/2013 01/04/2013 1/05/2013 1/06/2013 1/07/2013 1/08/2013 1/09/2013 1/10/2013 1/11/2013 1/12/2013

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 10…to 2014’s Worst Performing Currency

Source: CoinDesk
State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 11CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index – 2014 & 2015 YTD by the


State of Bitcoin 2015

Source: CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, daily data collected at 00:00 UTC

31st Dec Close $319.70
2nd Mar $258.88
YTD Δ -19.0%
2nd Mar Market Cap $3.6bn

2015 YTD Price Summary

High (6th Jan) $951.39
Low (30th Dec) $309.87
2014 Δ -67.4%
Average $526.92
Median $501.63

2014 Price Summary

Слайд 12The Bitcoin Startup Ecosystem: Seven Different Bitcoin Company Categories
State of Bitcoin


Payment Processing



Financial Services




Source: CoinDesk

Слайд 13Mining and Exchange Sectors Shrink
State of Bitcoin 2015
Source: CoinDesk
Exchange companies go


Mining companies go bankrupt

Aquifer LLC

Слайд 14State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 15
Bitcoin: Never a Shortage of Bad News
State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 16Q1 Negative News
State of Bitcoin 2015
Bitstamp claims $5 million lost in

hot wallet hack

Bitcoin mining firm CoinTerra files for chapter 7 bankruptcy

Hong Kong's MyCoin disappears with up to $387 million

Слайд 17Drop in Bitcoin News Coverage in Q1
State of Bitcoin 2015
News Published

Mentioning Bitcoin

Note: Numbers of stories obtained by searching ‘bitcoin’ on respective publishers’ websites, Q1 2015 number of news coverage calculated by run rate

Sources: respective publishers’ websites

Слайд 18Q1 Positive News
State of Bitcoin 2015
Coinbase's record $75 million funding round,

opening of US regulation compliant exchange

Bitcoin Core 0.10 gives developers simplified network consensus access

Blockchain number of wallets passes 3 million

Слайд 19State of Bitcoin 2015
VC Investment

Слайд 20Total VC Investment in Bitcoin Startups to Date

Source: CoinDesk (
State of

Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 21Eventually mainstream products, companies and industries emerge to commercialize it; its

effects become profound; and later, many people wonder why its powerful promise wasn’t more obvious from the start.

What technology am I talking about? Personal computers in 1975, the Internet in 1993, and – I believe – Bitcoin in 2014.
- Marc Andreessen, Andreessen Horowitz

As Big as the PC and Internet?

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 222014 Bitcoin VC Investment Surpassed Early-Stage Internet Investment
State of Bitcoin 2015

CoinDesk, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Слайд 23Record Setting VC Deals Continue after the Price Collapse
State of Bitcoin




(Series A) October 2014

(Series C) Jan 2015

Source: CoinDesk (

Слайд 24Universals Raised the Most Funding in Q1, Followed by Mining and


State of Bitcoin 2015

Sources: CoinDesk (, CrunchBase

Слайд 25

Number of Universal Bitcoin Companies Doubled in 2014
State of Bitcoin 2015


operate across more than one aspect of the bitcoin value chain (e.g. Coinplug provides payment processing, wallet and ATMs)

More and more bitcoin startups continue to pursue the universal model

Universal bitcoin companies leverage two key elements of financial services: efficiency and trust

The Universals



Слайд 26State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 27What Do People Buy with Bitcoins? Home Goods & Consumer Electronics

of Bitcoin 2015

Source: most popular items purchased through by November 2014


Coffee Grinder

Infant Formula

Home Goods

Bluetooth Speaker

Digital Camera



Слайд 28Companies Representing >$180 Billion in Annual Revenue Now Accept Bitcoin
State of

Bitcoin 2015

**The revenue is Time Inc. FY 2013 revenue

Sources: CoinDesk, Coinbase, BitPay, companies’ annual reports

Слайд 29>82,000 Merchants Now Accept Bitcoin, Up From 75,000 in Q3 (+9%)

of Bitcoin 2015



Sources: Coinbase and BitPay

Слайд 30Growth in Bitcoin-Accepting Businesses Slowed Throughout 2014
State of Bitcoin 2015
Sources: CoinDesk,


Слайд 31 Total merchants

Forecasted merchants

140,000 Bitcoin-Accepting Merchants Forecast by End of 2015

State of Bitcoin 2015

Sources and notes: total current merchants based on data from Coinbase and BitPay. Historical Coinbase data provided by BitcoinPulse. BitPay historical data between new merchant press release announcements of 10,000 (16th Sep 2013), 20,000 (13th Jan 2014) and 30,000 (28th May 2014), respectively, calculated using linear interpolation.

Слайд 32Well-Funded Bitcoin Startups are Able to Secure Banking Relationships
State of Bitcoin


Source: CoinDesk (

$27.5m funding

$10.0m funding

$9.0m funding

$5.0m funding

Reasons banks hesitate on bitcoin:
bigger risks
higher costs
more work
regulatory pressure
prohibited by regulators

Слайд 33Blockchain Wallet Growth Rate Has Been Flat for Last 12 Months

of Bitcoin 2015

Source and note :, 2015 quarter one wallet number is calculated by run rate

Слайд 34 Total Wallets

Forecasted Wallets

Approximately 12 Million Bitcoin Wallets Forecast by End of 2015

State of Bitcoin 2015

R2 = 0.971

Sources and notes: total wallets based on data from, MultiBit, Coinbase, Andreas Schildbach (Android Bitcoin Wallet developer). Historical Coinbase data provided by BitcoinPulse.

Слайд 35Bitcoin Remains the Coin of Choice in the Post-Silk Road Online

Black Market

State of Bitcoin 2015

The view that bitcoin would be quickly supplanted by DarkCoin or another theoretically more anonymous altcoin for black market use appears to be unfounded

Source: Wired

Agora, which is larger than Silk Road 2.0, only accepts bitcoins

Слайд 36State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 37520 Altcoins, Bitcoin’s Market Cap is 8X Larger Than the Next


State of Bitcoin 2015

Source: CoinMarketCap data as of 27th Feb 2015

Слайд 38Crypto 2.0 Projects to Keep an Eye on in 2015
State of

Bitcoin 2015

BitAssets – allowing traders to hedge against bitcoin's fluctuations

Alternative blockchain to bitcoin’s

Decentralised social messenger

Bringing smart contracts to market

Source: CoinDesk

Слайд 39CoinBase’s API Gaining Traction With 44 Bitcoin Apps Built on it

of Bitcoin 2015

Source: CoinBase

Слайд 40State of Bitcoin 2015
Regulation and Macro

Слайд 41NY BitLicenses 2.0: Bitcoin Still Being Held to Higher Standard
State of

Bitcoin 2015

New York’s BitLicense regulatory proposal widely regarded as a possible framework for other jurisdictions.
Ben Lawsky announced the latest revisions to the draft BitLicense in mid-December.
Clarified and narrowed which players in the digital currency industry would be required to obtain a BitLicense.
Fewer disclosure and record-keeping requirements for transactions.
The proposed record-keeping requirement for licensees reduced from 10 to seven years.
Broader range of financial assets (that includes virtual currency) that can be counted towards licensees' capital requirements.

Ben Lawsky

Source: CoinDesk

Слайд 42Bitcoin Startups are Pulling Out of NY
State of Bitcoin 2015
NY’s Ben


UK’s George Osborne

New York vs

UK Chancellor George Osborne has announced he is looking to make the UK attractive to bitcoin startups and capital
Startups like Epiphyte have already relocated from NY to seemingly friendlier London

Слайд 43Light Touch UK Bitcoin Regulation
State of Bitcoin 2015
Source: CoinDesk (

Consumer Protection

HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) and FCA


Prevention of money laundering

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 

No regulation on digital currencies and no intention of doing so.

No formal obligation from HMRC. But Registering as an MSB brings a firm under the UK's anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.


VAT on bitcoin purchase withdrawn. HMRC considering how best to tax bitcoin.

Слайд 44UK-London Based Bitcoin Companies
State of Bitcoin 2015
Source: CoinDesk
(News & Analytics)
(Payment Processor)

Слайд 45



State of Bitcoin 2015
Source: Wikipedia
Bitcoin Regulation Could Be Much Heavier

Слайд 46Will Bitcoin First Gain Traction in Advanced Economies…
State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 47… or in the Under-banked Developing World?
Due to lack of credit

cards, approximately 65% and 35% of all e-commerce in China and India respectively is conducted with cash

… bitcoin may help it leapfrog credit cards

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 48Bitcoin Market Potential Index (BMPI)
‘Positive’ Index Drivers
‘Negative’ Index Drivers
State of Bitcoin


Слайд 49Sub-Saharan Africa is the Most Fertile Region for Bitcoin, Followed by

Latin America & Post-Soviet

BMPI Regional Distribution - Top 30

BMPI Regional Distribution - Top 10

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 50The BMPI Top 10
Rank Country
1 Argentina
2 Venezuela
3 Zimbabwe
4 Malawi
5 United States
6 Belarus
7 Nigeria

8 Congo (DR)
9 Iceland
10 Iran

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s Argentina is #1

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 51BMPI Interactive Heat Map located at:
State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 52State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 53A ‘Tale of Two Bitcoins’
State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 54Type
Intrinsic value
Closed Centralized
Open Decentralized
Source: Hileman (2013) ‘History and Prospects for Alternative Currencies’, London

School of Economics working paper

Bitcoin is Unlike Any Previous
Alternative Currency

State of Bitcoin 2015

Слайд 55
Investments in FinTech Dwarf Bitcoin
State of Bitcoin 2015
Sources: CoinDesk, Medium (

$3b invested in 2014

$0.3b invested in 2014

100 Deals

Biggest Deal $31m


Biggest Deal

Слайд 56FinTech Investment Continues Growing
State of Bitcoin 2015
Sources: CoinDesk, Medium (

Слайд 57 Thank you @GarrickHileman
State of Bitcoin 2015

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