3 Ways The Internet of Things презентация



Will Change Your
Personal Finances

Слайд 2The Internet of Things is already disrupting industries.

Слайд 3Companies use Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to track fleets, reduce

airplane fuel costs, and monitor industrial equipment.

Слайд 4But companies aren’t the only ones that will benefit.

Слайд 5Your personal finances have a lot to gain from the IoT

as well.

Слайд 6According to Adweek, 65% of people want the Internet of Things

to improve their personal finances.

Слайд 7And it’s already starting to happen.

Слайд 8Apple’s mobile payment platform, Apple Pay, is gaining traction and Samsung

Pay is right behind.

Слайд 9Both systems work on wearable devices, and allow users to pay

for items without using cash, debit, or credit cards.

Слайд 10Which means we may not be too far off from leaving

our wallets at home.

Слайд 11But using the IoT for personal finances isn’t just about leaving

your wallet behind.

Слайд 12It’s also about analyzing your spending.

Слайд 13Research firm Accenture says banks will use the Internet of Things

to track your spending, and help you make better financial decisions.

Слайд 14“Powered by the Internet of Things’ vast data flow, the Bank

of Things will be an ever-present part of customers’ lives and daily routines.”

-- Accenture

Слайд 15For example…

Слайд 16Your Internet-connected car may soon tell your bank when it needs


Слайд 17And the bank could then suggest ways to cut back current

expenses to help pay for the fix.

Слайд 18It may sound a bit intrusive now.

Слайд 19But the IoT has the potential to actually save you money.

Слайд 20Some insurance companies are using IoT technology to set car insurance


Слайд 21It’s called usage based insurance (UBI).

Слайд 22CalAmp makes wireless modules that plug into a vehicle’s telematics system

and record braking, acceleration, cornering, and other data.

Слайд 23Progressive Automotive uses this technology to monitor how some of its

customers drive.

Слайд 24And then lowers monthly premiums for good drivers.

Слайд 25While the IoT will transform our personal finances in all of

these ways, there are even more benefits we can’t even imagine now.

Слайд 26Because the Internet of Things is just getting started.

Слайд 27

Wall Street hacks Apple's gadgets! (Investors, prepare to profit.)

Apple forgot to

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