3 Stocks That Could Make Huge Moves This Week презентация

Bed Bath & Beyond Bed Bath & Beyond sells home décor in retail stores throughout the United States. The company is expected to report earnings Thursday evening. Currently, 12%

Слайд 13 Stocks That Could Make Huge Moves This Week

Слайд 2Bed Bath & Beyond
Bed Bath & Beyond sells home décor in

retail stores throughout the United States. The company is expected to report earnings Thursday evening.

Currently, 12% of BB&B’s shares are sold short.

Investors are worried that an over-reliance on a brick-and-mortar presence in the world of e-commerce will render the company outdated.

Слайд 3Here’s What You Should Watch
Over the Short Term
BB&B is expected to

report earnings of $1.21 per share for the previous quarter.
Analysts expect the company to have collected $3.0 billion in sales for the previous quarter.
For all of 2015, analysts are expecting the company to earn $5.23 per share on sales of $12.3 billion.

Over the Long Term
Take a look at how much merchandise inventories are rising. Last quarter, they rose faster than sales, which is a bad sign.
The company reported same-store sales of 2.2% last quarter, management expects this metric to bump between 2% and 3% for the quarter to be reported.

Слайд 4Pier 1 Imports
Like BB&B, Pier 1 is a leading retailer of

home furnishings. The company is expected to report earnings on Thursday evening.

Currently, 19% of Pier 1’s shares are sold short.

Like BB&B, Pier 1 is operating in a difficult environment where brick-and-mortars are losing ground to e-commerce. At the same time, comps have been lackluster.

Слайд 5Here’s What You Should Watch
Over the Short Term
Pier 1 is expected

to announce $436 million in revenue for the previous quarter.
The company is expected to have made $0.07 per share last quarter.
For all of 2015, expectations are set for $1.9 billion in revenue and earnings of $0.83 per share.

Over the Long Term
Pier 1 has focused extensively on its e-commerce line of business, which accounted for 17% of all sales last quarter. Check and see how this line is performing.
Management expects same-store sales—which includes e-commerce—to grow by 3% to 5% moving forward.

Слайд 6BlackBerry
BlackBerry has turned its focus to mobile security for enterprise customers.

The company is expected to report earnings on Friday morning.

Currently, 19% of BlackBerry’s shares are sold short.

After being gutted in the smartphone market, many investors believe that management is incapable of pivoting the company’s focus to security software.

Слайд 7Here’s What You Should Watch
Over the Short Term
Analysts are expecting BlackBerry

to report revenue of $611 million for the previous quarter.
They are also expecting the company to have lost $0.08 per share for the previous quarter.
For all of 2015, analysts are expecting a loss of $0.23 per share on $2.5 billion in revenue.

Over the Long Term
Listen in to the conference call to see how the acquisition of Good Technology has gone, and how soon the benefits of the acquisition will show up on the company’s bottom line.

Слайд 8The Next Billion-Dollar iSecret

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