3 Stocks That Could Make Huge Moves презентация

GT Advanced Tech. (Nasdaq: GTAT)

Слайд 13 Stocks That Could Make Huge Moves

Слайд 2GT Advanced Tech. (Nasdaq: GTAT)

Слайд 3Simple Explanation of the Business
GT Advanced Technologies has many, many irons

in the fire. Back in 2009, the company made 100% of its revenue by providing materials for solar panels.

Since then, however, it has expanded its reach significantly. The most well-publicized of its new ventures is in providing the Sapphire glass for Apple products. But it is also addressing crystal growth markets in industries from manufacturing to consumer electronics.

Слайд 4Why Are Investors So Negative?
Though Apple is working with GT to

open its Arizona sapphire plant, the iMaker hasn’t confirmed that the sapphire will be on the new iPhone 6.

The company is not profitable over the trailing year, and is trading for over 400 times expected 2014 earnings.

Слайд 5Here’s What to Watch
Wall Street Expectations
Currently, 34% of GT’s shares are

sold short.

Analysts are expecting the company to report revenues of $63.9 million for the quarter, and $685 million for the fiscal year.

Earnings per share are expected to come in at a loss of $0.14 for the quarter, and a profit of $0.03 for the fiscal year.

What to Really Watch

The company expects to make about 90% of its revenue for the year in the third and fourth quarters. While earnings this quarter aren’t unimportant, management’s outlook on the rest of the year will be critically important.
Though it won’t surface this week, when the iPhone 6 comes out, all GT investors will be looking to see if the phone sells well, and if GT is providing the glass cover.

Слайд 6Capstone Turbine (Nasdaq: CPST)

Слайд 7Simple Explanation of the Business
Capstone makes gas turbine engines for power

generation. What makes Capstone unique is that its engines only have one moving part, are more efficient that other types of engines, and can use multiple inputs to generate power.

Слайд 8Why Are Investors So Negative?
Capstone operates in a very competitive field,

and against others who have much deeper pockets.

The company has never turned a profit.

Capstone has continually diluted shares in order to raise funds to run the business.

Слайд 9Here’s What to Watch
Wall Street Expectations
Currently, 16% of Capstone’s shares are

sold short.

Analysts are predicting revenue of $32.8 million this quarter, and $157.6 million for the fiscal year.

Earnings per share are expected to register at $0.00 for the quarter, and register a loss of $0.02 for the fiscal year.

What to Really Watch

Two key metrics should get your attention.
Revenue has grown an average of 13% over the last three quarters. Continued growth over 10% would be a good sign for investors.

The company continually highlights gross margins, and rightfully so. They need to continue inching up to become profitable. Last year, they stood at 16%, and investors should hope for even better this quarter.

Слайд 10Clean Energy Fuels (Nasdaq: CLNE)

Слайд 11Simple Explanation of the Business
Many people think that using natural gas—instead

of petroleum-based gasoline—is the future of transportation.

To help that along, Clean Energy Fuels is building out the infrastructure necessary to support natural gas vehicles.

One of its most important initiatives is building out natural gas fueling stations for cars and trucks to use near highways throughout the nation.

Слайд 12Why Are Investors So Negative?
There is no guarantee that natural gas

will catch on beyond the businesses using it now. The price difference between natural gas and petroleum fluctuates, and natural may not be as financially advantageous to use in the future.
Clean Energy has yet to turn a profit since going public.
Clean Energy’s volume of gallon equivalents sold is not growing fast enough for many investors.

Слайд 13Here’s What to Watch
Wall Street Expectations
Currently, 24% of Clean Energy’s shares

are sold short.
Revenue is expected to come in at $93.5 million for the quarter and $398.8 million for the fiscal year.
Analysts are predicting a loss of $0.28 per share for the quarter, and a loss of $1.07 for the fiscal year.

What to Really Watch

Check and see what kind of margins Clean Energy achieves per gallon. Earlier this year, the volume of gallons went up, but revenue did not keep pace.
Overall volume of gallon equivalents sold will be a good indicator of whether or not growth is really slowing. Investors should hope for growth above 15%.

Слайд 14Risk Free for 30 Days:

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