Perception and illusions презентация

Слайд 1Presentation
PERCEPTION and illusions
Fedorenko Anastasiia. PS-13



Слайд 3Wundt regards

Слайд 4 Perception
Brain process :
(selecting, organizing, interpreting)


of Perception:
- Subjective (Fitness, Interest, Knowledge, Mental Capacity)

- Objective (physical environment -stimuli))

- Social (Social value, Attitudes, Stereotype, Suggestion)

Слайд 5Form Perception

Is based on:


Слайд 6Law of Proximity or Nearness
- the things are situated close to

each other
- form a figure or a pattern
- are perceived as a whole figure
- may be in space and time
- words set nearer to each other form an organization

Human brain sees objects close to each other as groups

Law Of Perceptual Organizations

Слайд 7Law of Similarity
- tendency to group similar elements
- objects similar in

shape are classified in a group

Law Of Perceptual Organizations

Слайд 8Law of Good Form:
Good Continuation

all the parts of a figure in

“one whole”


A symmetrical figure makes a perceptual organization and perceived sooner.

Слайд 9Closure

perceptual tendency to fill the gaps or closure fills the gaps

to help us to perceive it as a whole complete form

Common Direction

grouping in the perceptual organization is classified in two groups because of their common direction

Law of Good Form:


all the stimuli are include to form a pattern.

Слайд 10Perception of Movement
perceived by following the progressive change of an object’s

position in space with time.

Real Movement The perception of the actual movement of objects in the world

Apparent Movement It is movement perceived in the absence of physical movement of an image across the retina.

Слайд 11Depth Perception:
“This ability helps to perceive three dimensional space and

to accurately judge distance”

Слайд 12 Size constancy is the tendency to perceive objects in a consistent

manner despite the changing sensations that are received by our senses.

Types of Perceptual Constancy:

Слайд 13Shape Constancy When we know that the object is a certain

shape, we tend to perceive it as the same shape, regardless of the viewing angle.

Types of Perceptual Constancy:

Слайд 14 Color Constancy: Colors of objects tend to remain constant in perception

when we know their true color. Visual objects also appear constant in their degree of whiteness, grayness and blackness.

Types of Perceptual Constancy:

Слайд 15Illusion:
Something that looks or seems different from what it is something

that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real.

Causes of Illusion:
- Physical causes
- Habit & Familiarity.
- Expectancy & Mental Set.
- Momentary State of Mind or Mood.
- Incomplete analysis of the collective impression.
- Apperception.
- Suggestion.
- Arrangement of stimuli.

Слайд 16 The illusion Of motion.
When a stationary stimulus is perceive

as moving, it is named as illusion of motion or movement.

The Illusion Of forms.
Form perception is attained in relation to the figure and ground according to the law of perception Organization. As the figure is smaller then the ground according to perceptual.
The illusion of distance.
The illusion of distance occurs when the parallel lines seem to bend in different directions.

Слайд 17Spiral circle illusion:
It seem that the curving line behind the spiral

have become the cause of this illusion. The illusion is also known as the false spiral, or by its original name, the twisted cord illusion.

Слайд 18The Zollner Illusion:
The parallel lines seem to bend to each other

instead of looking straight. The reason of this Illusion is the smaller diagonal lines cutting the parallel line.

Слайд 19The Poggindorf’s Illusion:
If two parallel line are dissected by another straight

line separately, a large straight line seem cutting the parallel line instead of two partial line.

Слайд 20The Illusion of size:
A near object is near usually perceived larger

and farther object is perceived smaller but in the moon illusion, moon is perceived larger on horizon where the earth and sky seem to meet.

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