Epistemology problems new age philosophy (XVII-XVIII) презентация

Слайд 1 Epistemology problems New Age Philosophy (XVII-XVIII)
by Spitsa N.V.

Слайд 2Historical conditions
Development of capitalism;
Social revolutions;
Weakness of influence of church.
Philosophy start

to base on science;
Problem of perception became primary;
Struggle between empiricism and rationalism.

“empirio”- Lat. experience
The one source of knowledge is experience, when

all surrounding world influences our senses (sensualism)
Francis Bacon
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
George Berkley
David Hume

“ratio” – Lat. Mind
Real knowledge possible only from reason (mind), not from experience
Existing of’ “inborn ideas”, from which logically all knowledge can be taken out.
Rene Des Cartes
Baruch B. Spinoza
Wilhelm Leibniz

Слайд 4Key word:

Cognition –

totality of processes & methods of discovering knowledge about

phenomena & regularities (rules) of objective world

Слайд 5Deduction – process of logical conclusion from general to particular
Induction –

conclusion from particular to general .

Слайд 6Representatives of empiricism
Francis Bacon
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
George Berkley

Слайд 7Representatives of rationalism:
Wilhelm Leibniz
Baruch B. Spinoza
Rene Des Cartes

Слайд 8Real knowledge is based on sensual experience.
Francis Bacon
Where is from

the false knowledge?



False knowledge is the results of:

Hurried & too general conclusions

Speculative thinking without empirical experience

Specific mistakes of thinking (idols)

Слайд 9Idols of Cognition
Idols of Kin
Idols of Cave
Idols of Marketplace

of Theatre

Слайд 10Ways of acquiring knowledge

Слайд 11John Locke
Tabula rasa
There is nothing in the mind which was not

present in our senses before.

Ideas of person



Слайд 12Simple idea
Forming of complex ideas:
1. combination.
2. comparison.
3. abstracting.
Can`t be false
Error probable

Слайд 13David Hume
We have no any reason to think that phenomenon A

is a reason of phenomenon B, only because
we observed many times that B comes after A.

Слайд 14Classical rationalism
Classical rationalism
– real knowledge can be derived only from the

pure reason, not from sensual experience.

Слайд 15Rene Des Cartes
Method of cognition
1. Truth to be considered the thing

which don’t give rise to doubts.
2. To divide all complicated problems on the simple ones.
3. To come from known to unknown? From simple to more complicated.
4. To involve everything in logical chains of research.

«Cogito ergo sum» — «Think, then, exist»

Слайд 16Science system according Des Cartes
All another sciences

- studies about being, first bases and structures of reality

– primary bases of being; existing in itself, doesn’t need anything else for its explanation

Слайд 18Thank you!
by Natalya Spitsa

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