экономика Великобритании презентация

Great Britain is one of seven economically developed countries in the world. Great Britain is one of seven economically developed countries in the world.

Слайд 1

UK economy

Слайд 2 Great Britain is one of seven economically developed countries in the


Great Britain is one of seven economically developed countries in the world.

Слайд 4 On the world market Great Britain supplies aircraft equipment: military and

civil planes (British Aerospace, Harrier, Tornado, Eurofighter).

Слайд 6 Developed mechanical engineering also allows Great Britain to supply medical equipment,

agricultural machinery, machines, computers, household appliances.

Слайд 8 Great Britain is also the 4th country in the world for

producing medicines.

Слайд 9 Oil and gas fields are extracted in the North sea.

are the biggest in the country.

And fuel, mostly petrol, is exported to other European countries.

Слайд 10The service sector is presented by such industries as finance and

tourism. In London are situated more than 50 the largest foreign banks and the world currency market.

Слайд 11By Alexey Karayev
Aktobe 2015

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