Forests, agriculture and climate презентация

Forestry and Agriculture as a Percent of Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions Source: Figure adapted from UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , UNFCCC 2007

Слайд 1Forests, Agriculture, and Climate

Слайд 2Forestry and Agriculture as a Percent of Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Figure adapted from UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , UNFCCC 2007

Слайд 3Sources and Flows of Greenhouse Gases

Figure source: World Resource Institute

(WRI), can be accessed at

Слайд 4Designated Functions of Forests, 2010
Source: Global Forest Resources Assessment, by Food

and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO 2010

Слайд 5Forests as Carbon Stocks and Carbon Fluxes
Source: CIFOR, World

Agroforestry Centre and USAID 2009 Forest and climate change toolbox [PowerPoint presentation]. Available from

(1 tonne Carbon equivalent = 3.667 tonnes CO2) per year

Слайд 7a. Annual Net Flux of Carbon to the Atmosphere from Land

Use Change, South America, Africa, and Asia: 1850-2005

Source: Houghton, R. A. 2008. “Carbon flux to the atmosphere from land-use changes: 1850-2005”. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Data are accessible at

Слайд 8b. Annual Net Flux of Carbon to the Atmosphere from Land

Use Change, Europe, China, Former USSR, and USA: 1850-2005

Houghton, R. A. 2008. “Carbon flux to the atmosphere from land-use changes: 1850-2005”. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Data are accessible at

Слайд 9Social and Ecological Functions of Forests
Source: Costanza, R., et. Al., 1997,

“The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital” Nature 387.

креветка (мелкая)

Слайд 10Top Countries with the Largest Forest Area
Source: Global Forest Resources Assessment,

by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO 2010

Слайд 11The World's Forest Coverage
Source: Global Forest Resources Assessment, by Food and

Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO 2010

Слайд 12Annual Change in Forest Area by Region, 1990-2010
Source: Global Forest Resources

Assessment, by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO 2010

Слайд 13Annual Change in Forest Area by Country, 2005- 2010
Source: Global Forest

Resources Assessment, by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO 2010

Слайд 14 Graph Source: Rhett A. Butler /,
Consumer price index

Слайд 15Annual REDD Economic Mitigation Potential, 2030

Source: IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate

Change 2007, Accessible at

Reducing emission from deforestation and forest degradation

Слайд 16Potential for Carbon Emissions Reduction in Forested Lands
Source: Metz et al.

2007a, available at

Слайд 17Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture
Source: World Resource Institute (WRI), accessed


Org. fertilizer


Слайд 18Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Region Projected to 2020: Developed Nations

emissions in Agriculture (Mt CO2eq./yr)

Source: Smith et al. 2007, 6-28.
Note:; E Asia: developing countries of East Asia; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Pac: OECD countries of the Pacific Region; C&E Eur: Central and Eastern Europe; FSU: Former Soviet Union; W Eur: Western Europe; OECD NA, OECD countries of North America

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Слайд 19Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Region, Projected to 2020: Developing Nations

emissions in Agriculture (Mt CO2eq./yr)

Source: Smith et al. 2007, 6-28.
Note: ME&NA: Middle East and North Africa; SS Africa: Sub-Saharan Africa; S. Asia: developing countries of South Asia; LA&C: Latin America and The Caribbean; E Asia: developing countries of East Asia; OECD Pac: OECD countries of the Pacific Region; C&E Eur: Central and Eastern Europe; FSU: Former Soviet Union; W Eur: Western Europe; OECD NA, OECD countries of North America

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