Environment презентация

Our Earth is in danger now

Слайд 1Environment

Слайд 2Our Earth is in danger now

Слайд 3We need in
Clean water to drink
Fresh air to breathe
Healthy food to

Plants and animals

Слайд 4The largest problems
Air pollution
Water pollution
Land pollution

Слайд 6Did you know
can help protect
the planet?

Слайд 7A lot of modern food products have lots of packaging and

a waste

Слайд 8Don’t turn the planet into
a pile of rubbish!

Слайд 9If you drink from plastic bottles, you won`t help the planet.

look harmless, but plastic is a material that is difficult to recycle.
Why not drink juice from a glass bottle? Glass is easy to recycle

Слайд 10Some companies make old posters and magazines into recycled paper

Слайд 11Water is one of our most important natural resources, and you

can help save it

Слайд 12When you have a bath, you use
90 liters of water,
but only

liters when have a shower!

Don`t have a bath, have a shower!
If you have a shower

Слайд 13Don`t leave the tap on
when you brush your teeth!

Слайд 25Will our planet survive?
If we all help,
it will have a better


Why don`t you start saving the planet at home this evening?

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