The Art of Lace in Northeast Brazil презентация

Слайд 2

For a great many years Brazil’s Northeast has exported its beautiful

lace to the four corners of the world. The rendeira (lace maker woman) with her patient and well-crafted work, printed an unparalleled brand in the crafts of the Northeast. The work of these women enchants for simplicity but also for its art and creativity

Слайд 3

Lace making started in Europe, especially in Italy and Belgium, and

was brought to France by the court of Louis XV. From France it expanded to Portugal and England.
The Portuguese brought lace to Brazil, where it became an important form of handicraft, both in the Northeast and in Santa Catarina, in the South. The rendeira weaves the thread on a pillow with the aid of bobbins, which are used in pairs .

Renda de Bilro ( Bobbin lace)

Слайд 4
Ceará, a major center for handicrafts in the country

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Слайд 6
Bobbin lace from Aracati, Ceará

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Aracati, Ceará

Слайд 8 Divina Pastora - Sergipe

Слайд 9
Rio Grande do Norte

Слайд 10

Слайд 12Bahia - Saubara – Recôncavo

Слайд 13Saubara, Bahia

Слайд 14Saubara

Слайд 16Saubara

Слайд 17 Ilha de Maré - Bahia

Слайд 18Ilha de Maré

Слайд 19
Needle lace

Filet lace

Слайд 20Filet Lace is made with a knitting needle and was developed

using the same technique used by fishermen for making their fishing nets. This very old technique was common among the Egyptians and Persians and spread well in Europe, from where it was brought to Brazil by the Portuguese colonizers. Filet lace is quite common in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe.

Filet lace

Слайд 21Maceió, Alagoas

Слайд 22Alagoas – famous for its filet lace

Слайд 23Filet lace - Maceió

Слайд 24Filet lace - Maceió

Слайд 31

Renaissance lace started in the island of Burano in Venice -

Italy and arose and developed in the seventeenth century, during the period of the Renaissance, from which it derives its name. It came to Brazil with European missionaries and nuns and here developed rapidly in the Northeast region, particularly in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba. Renaissance lace is highly valued because of its technical complexity.

Renaissance Lace

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Olinda - Pernambuco

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Renaissance lace from Olinda

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Renaissance lace

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Renaissance - Paraíba

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Renaissance from Pernambuco

Слайд 39Pernambuco – wedding gown

Слайд 43Renaissance from Alagoas

Слайд 47Divina Pastora, Sergipe
Irish lace
Recognized as Brazil Cultural Heritage

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Aracaju, Sergipe

Слайд 51Irish lace– Divina Pastora, Sergipe

Слайд 57
Labirinto lace– Ceará and Paraíba

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Chãs do Pereira - Paraíba

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Labirinto lace from Chãs do Pereira - Paraíba

Слайд 62
Orobó, Pernambuco

Слайд 64Redendê
Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia

Слайд 65Redendê from Maceió

Слайд 66

Crochet - Canoa Quebrada, Ceará

Слайд 67

Parnaíba, Piauí

Слайд 69Richelieu - mandatory in candomblé liturgical vestments – Bahia


Слайд 70 Richelieu - Salvador, Bahia

Слайд 71Bahia - Cachoeira

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