Prototyping ideas презентация

Colin Preston Lead Creative & Experience Designer

Слайд 1Prototyping ideas
Create better digital experiences

Слайд 2Colin Preston
Lead Creative & Experience Designer

Слайд 3Benefits of prototyping

Слайд 4Prototyping helps us to…

Слайд 5Reduce waste and cost

Слайд 6Reduces time & effort during the implementation phase of a project

Слайд 7Validate ideas quickly

Слайд 8Validate ideas quickly

Слайд 9Design and create products, services or “Experiences” that are desirable to

people, viable for a business & technically feasible .

Ultimately prototyping helps to…

Слайд 10However…

Слайд 11Don’t waste your time and money producing the wrong method of

prototype, for the wrong reason!

Слайд 12Prototype for the right reason

Слайд 13Understand the reason for your prototype

Слайд 14The reason we prototype can generally fall into three categories during

the design process

Слайд 15Design and developing an idea
Conceptual prototypes

Слайд 16Conceptual prototypes like roleplaying or sketching is to allow the team

to work through a design problem, gain feedback, generate insight into the roll of the idea

Слайд 17Validate ideas quickly
Test and improving and idea
Technical prototypes

Слайд 18Technical prototypes like Browser Demo’s allow teams to gain feedback on

tangible features or interactions from reel users about how the idea will be implemented

Слайд 19Validate ideas quickly
Communicating an idea
Vision prototypes

Слайд 20Vision prototypes like clickable jpg's allow us to sell an idea

externally and gain feedback on look and feel

Слайд 21Picking a method

Слайд 22Understanding what method to chose when prototyping

Слайд 23The method of prototype should
be driven by what you are

testing and the feedback you want.

Слайд 25What role will the idea play in a user’s life? Is

it useful or fulfil an need? Prototypes with in the roll corner ask questions about the purpose or function that an idea serves in a user’s life - the way in which it is useful to them.

Testing the role of an idea

Слайд 26How should it look and feel? Prototypes in the this corner

allow us explore what the user will look at, feel and hear while using the product in device

Testing the look and feel

Слайд 27This is about the techniques and components through which an idea

performs its function—the “nuts and bolts” of how it actually works.

Testing the implementation

Слайд 28Select the right fidelity

Слайд 29During the development of ideas we want feedback from users to

be focused on the idea and not the look and feel or a fancy interaction.

Слайд 30 Choose the right fidelity level depending on the feedback you


Low fidelity = Better constructive feedback on details High fidelity = Feedback can focus on the visual look and feel

Слайд 31Example design problem

Слайд 32Problem
50% of customers new to running
fail to meet their personal fitness


Слайд 33Challenge
How might we use technology to support
our customers in their fitness


Слайд 34Using prototypes to help generate audience insights

Слайд 35We can observe users engaging with prototypes in the real environments

Слайд 36Insights of how runners use a mobile whilst running can fuel

ideas in the design phase

Слайд 37Runners can’t work simple controls on an app whilst running

Runners find

it hard to look at maps whilst running when following new routes

Example observed insights might be

Слайд 38Prototypes to help generate and visualise ideas

Слайд 39Experience Storyboarding

Слайд 40Having thought of an initial idea we can use storyboarding as

a method of creating a visual prototype of the whole experience.

Слайд 41Focus you to think trough the whole idea and not just

a few UI screens
Make you think about who will use, where and how
Easily communicate the idea to others and gain feedback

Experience storyboarding will…

Слайд 44What the user experience looks like
How the service works
What the context

How user interface generally works

Show in the storyboard:

Слайд 45Role playing

Слайд 46Another quick an easy way to get some tangible feedback and

help the designer to better understand the problem or idea is to act out the storyboard or part of it.

Слайд 47The purpose of Role play is to create enough realism to

illicit a response from who ever is acting it out.

Слайд 48Help us to see how the idea might be used in

context to an environment
Identify holes or flaws in the experience quickly
Observing might fuel more or better ideas
Create enough realism to illicit a response from who ever is acting it out

The purpose of role playing is to…

Слайд 49Paper prototyping

Слайд 50 This is another quick and simple method of working through an

idea in a more visual way.

Слайд 51Quickly step through the interaction points quickly
Identify holes or flaws in

the experience quickly
Observe others using them and easily gain feedback
Focused thinking around the device interface

Paper prototyping helps you to…

Слайд 52Prototypes to help test and improve interactions

Слайд 53Sketched interaction in devices

Слайд 54 This is another quick and simple method of working through the

interactions of an idea

Copy write -

Слайд 55Step through the interaction points on a device
Provide more environmental context

feedback on the concept
Focused thinking around the device interface

Clickable prototyping helps you to…

Слайд 56These are just a few examples of how we can use

low fidelity prototyping during the design and development of idea.

Слайд 57Quick, fast and simple

Слайд 58You should be able to gain valuable feedback and insight throughout

the design thinking process from real users.

Слайд 59Failure and prototyping go together

Слайд 60Your prototypes will fail!

Every failure is an opportunity to learn

something new about a user

Слайд 61Create better ideas rooted in human centred design thinking

Слайд 62Thank you

Слайд 63 more environmental context
Further resources

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