Extreme Sport -- National Geographic презентация

Rock Climbing Balzola Cave, Spain Photograph by Bernardo Gimenez

Слайд 1Climbing in Yosemite, California
Photograph courtesy Jen Rapp
Extreme Sport -- National Geographic

Слайд 2Rock Climbing Balzola Cave, Spain
Photograph by Bernardo Gimenez

Слайд 3Stand-Up Paddleboarding Havasu Creek, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Photograph by Forest Woodward

Слайд 4Riding Stevens Pass Bike Park, Washington
Photograph by Garrett Grove

Слайд 5Surfing Teahupo'o, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Photograph by Kirstin Scholtz, ASP

Слайд 6Summer Skiing in the Beartooth Mountains, Montana
Photograph by Max Lowe

Слайд 7Climbing Biographie, Céüse, France
Photograph by Mikey Schaefer

Слайд 8Skiing Under the Aurora, Tombstone Range, Yukon, Canada
Photograph by Reuben Krabbe

Слайд 9Summer Skiing on Mount Hood, Oregon
Photograph by Dan Sherwood

Слайд 10Surfing the Wedge, California
Photograph by Benjamin C. Ginsberg

Слайд 11Climbing the Wendenstock, Interlaken, Switzerland
Photograph by Mikey Schaefer

Слайд 12Skiing the Grand, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Photograph by Andy Bardon

Слайд 13Big-Wave Surfing at Teahupoo, French Polynesia
Photograph by Tim Mckenna

Слайд 14Snowboarding the West Fjords, Iceland
Photograph by Jason Hummel

Слайд 15Climbing Monserrat, Catalonia, Spain
Photograph by Sam Bié

Слайд 16Night Ice Climbing in the Cogne Valley, Western Alps, Italy
Photograph by

Alexandre Buisse

Слайд 17Mt. Superior
Photograph by Will Wissman

Слайд 18Climbing the Priest, Castle Valley, Utah
Photograph by Jeremiah Watt

Слайд 19Kayaking Spirit Falls, Little White Salmon River, Washington
Photograph by Eric Parker

Слайд 20Bouldering on Oahu, Hawaii
Photograph by Ryan Moss

Слайд 21Skiing Jackson Hole's Sidecountry, Wyoming
Photograph by Jay Goodrich

Слайд 22Kayaking the Mekong River, Laos
Photograph by Ben Stookesberry

Слайд 23Snowboarding in the Himalaya, Nepal
Photograph by Andrew Miller

Слайд 24Kayaking Waterfalls in Chiapas, Mexico
Photograph by Alfredo Martinez, Red Bull Content


Слайд 25Climbing Cliffbase, Hvar, Croatia
Photograph by Emily Polar

Слайд 26Skiing Mount Superior, Utah
Photograph by Jay Beyer

Слайд 27Snowboarding Near Zermatt, Switzerland
Photograph by Tero Repo

Слайд 28Free Climbing the Totem Pole, Tasmania, Australia
Photograph by Simon Carter

Слайд 29Deepwater Soloing the Musandam Peninsula, Oman
Photograph by Jimmy Chin

Слайд 30Stand-up Paddleboarding Jaws, Hawaii
Photograph by Richard Hallman

Слайд 31Climbing Superfortress, Near Vail, Colorado
Photograph by Celin Serbo

Слайд 32Snowboarding the Pemberton Ice Cap, British Columbia
Photograph by Mark Gribbon

Слайд 33Mountain Biking Book Cliffs Near Green River, Utah
Photograph by Jay Beyer

Слайд 34Ice Climbing in Hyalite Canyon, Montana
Photograph by Jason Thompson

Слайд 35Kayaking the Rio Santo Domingo, Chiapas, Mexico
Photograph by Marcos Ferro, Red

Bull Content Pool

Слайд 36Mountain Biking in Virgin, Utah
Photograph by Christian Pondella, Red Bull Content


Слайд 37Skiing at Dusk at Brighton, Utah
Photograph by Scott Markewitz

Слайд 38Climbing in Kootenay National Park, Canada
Photograph by Paul Bride

Слайд 39Surfing Namotu Island, Fiji
Photograph by Stuart Gibson, Red Bull Illume

Слайд 40Climbing El Chorro Gorge, Spain
Photograph by Forest Woodward

Слайд 41Kayaking the Stikine, British Columbia, Canada
Photograph by Barny Young

Слайд 42Snowboarding Near St. Bathans, New Zealand
Photograph by Tim Pierce

Слайд 43Climbing the San Rafael Swell, Utah
Photograph by Louis Arevalo

Слайд 44Backcountry Skiing Mount Hood, Oregon
Photograph by Richard Hallman

Слайд 45Paragliding the Big Lost Range, Idaho
Photograph by Jody MacDonald

Слайд 46Ski Touring the Ruth Gorge, Denali National Park, Alaska
Photograph by Garrett


Слайд 47Kayaking Over Santuario Waterfall, Amazonas, Brazil
Photograph by Chris Korbulic

Слайд 48Night Surfing at Keramas, Bali, Indonesia
Photograph by Russ Hennings

Слайд 49Windsurfing on the Pistol River, Oregon
Photograph by Michael Clark, Red Bull

Content Pool

Слайд 50Climbing New Routes Along the Green River, Utah
Photograph by Celin Serbo

Слайд 51Climbing in the Verdon Gorge, France
Photograph by Keith Ladzinski

Слайд 52Skiing, Carter Mcmillan, Revelstoke, British Columbia
Photograph by Ryan Creary

Слайд 53Surfing Jaws, Maui, Hawaii
Photograph by Fred Pompermayer

Слайд 54Climbing Sea Cliffs, Acadia National Park, Maine
Photograph by Tim Kemple

Слайд 55Skiing Portillo, Chile, Overlooking Laguna del Inca
Photograph by Christian Pondella

Слайд 56Climbing Red Dihedral, Eldorado Canyon, Colorado
Photograph by John Dickey

Слайд 57Snowboarding in Laax, Switzerland
Photograph by Lorenz Richard, Red Bull Content Pool

Слайд 58Skiing Mount Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada
Photograph by David Carlier

Слайд 59Climbing Myrdalsjokull Glacier, Iceland
Photograph by Keith Ladzinski

Слайд 60Rock and Ice Climbing in Santaquin Canyon, Utah
Photogrpah by Jeremiah Watt

Слайд 61Backcountry Skiing Frazier Basin, Bridger Range, Montana
Photograph by Ryan Krueger

Слайд 62Climbing Wings of Desire, Penticton, British Columbia
Photograph by Ryan Creary

Слайд 63Skiing Blackcomb Mountain, British Columbia, Canada
Photograph by Reuben Krabbe

Слайд 64Kayking Tomata 1 Waterfall, Mexico
Photograph by Tim Kemple

Слайд 65Climbing Hallucinogen Wall, Black Canyon, Colorado
Photograph by John Dickey
9/10/2014 王文堯 Kaohsiung

Taiwan R.O.C
All photos were taken from National Geographic


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