8 product design principles to abide by (explained with gifs that aren’t very funny and quotes you’ve probably already heard) презентация

Pursue simplicity Employ visual hierarchies Consider affordances Use appropriate typography Talk like a human Don’t make people think Design differently for different cultures* Always user test

Слайд 1
8 product design principles to abide by
(explained with gifs that aren’t

very funny and quotes you’ve probably already heard)



Слайд 2Pursue simplicity
Employ visual hierarchies
Consider affordances
Use appropriate typography
Talk like a human
Don’t make

people think
Design differently for different cultures*
Always user test

Слайд 3Pursue simplicity

Слайд 4
Visually complex interfaces are rated less beautiful than simpler ones, adding

additional work for the eyes and brain to decode, store and make sense of the information.



Слайд 5"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,

but when there is nothing left to take away."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Слайд 6“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”


Слайд 9
Pursue simplicity
Employ visual hierarchies
Consider affordances
Use appropriate typography
Talk like a human
Don’t make

people think
Design differently for different cultures*
Always user test

Слайд 10
Visual Hierarchy is a deliberate prioritization of
Visual Weight, enabled by

the manipulation of
Visual Relationships, to create
Meaning for users.

Source: “Communicating With Visual Hierarchy” by Luke Wroblewski, March 2008

Слайд 13
"Clutter and confusion are failures of design,
not attributes of information."

— Edward Tuft



Слайд 14
Pursue simplicity
Employ visual hierarchies
Consider affordances
Use appropriate typography
Talk like a human
Don’t make

people think
Design differently for different cultures*
Always user test

Слайд 17

Слайд 19
Source: Weighted Agreement graph from “Hear, All Ye People; Hearken, O

Earth” by Errol Morris, August 2012







Typeface characteristics
affect aesthetic appeal,
and credibility.

Слайд 20
Pursue simplicity
Employ visual hierarchies
Consider affordances
Use appropriate typography
Talk like a human
Don’t make

people think
Design differently for different cultures*
Always user test

Слайд 22
Sorry, you have reached your weekly purchase limit.
In special circumstances

this limit can be changed.

Sorry, the amount you wish to deposit is too small.
Please enter a larger amount.

Слайд 23
Pursue simplicity
Employ visual hierarchies
Consider affordances
Use appropriate typography
Talk like a human
Don’t make

people think
Design differently for different cultures*
Always user test

Слайд 25Be intuitive
Be quickly learnable

Слайд 26
Pursue simplicity
Employ visual hierarchies
Consider affordances
Use appropriate typography
Talk like a human
Don’t make

people think
Design differently for different cultures*
Always user test

Слайд 29
Pursue simplicity
Employ visual hierarchies
Consider affordances
Use appropriate typography
Talk like a human
Don’t make

people think
Design differently for different cultures*
Always user test

Слайд 30jamieskella

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