What I Wish I Had Known When I Was 22 презентация

Слайд 1What I Wish I Had Known When I Was 22
By: Laurinda


Слайд 2To TRUST That my “INTUITION” Never Fails …

Слайд 3To NOT BELIEVE everything
The most important factor that I wish I

had known is that some people lie, and then they lie some more …
Religious leaders
Business leaders

Слайд 4That there is NO JOB for LIFE …

Слайд 5That getting a “JOB” is not the beginning nor the end

… and that a “JOB” takes many forms and follows many paths.

Слайд 6That I was BETTER informed …

Слайд 7That I Researched More
That I knew how to ask the RIGHT

That I had the will to question everything.
That I had read about ALL types of opinions.
That I had talked to ALL types of people.

And ONLY once I had analyzed all the information I had made my own mind without being unduly influenced by others …

Слайд 8That COMPASSION, ETHICS, VALUES principles are not followed by all …

Слайд 9That what many say is “RIGHT” or “WRONG” may not be

either … trust that you will always know what is really “RIGHT” or “WRONG”

Слайд 10That I didn’t BUY into all the HYPE

Слайд 11NOT Followed the “Trends”
That I allowed myself to be myself
Not followed

the latest fashion trends because it was the “IN” thing
Bought into the latest technology gimmick
Seen the latest film because someone said “I MUST”, etc., etc., …

Слайд 12That “LAW” and “JUSTICE” are not the same thing …

Слайд 13There’s LAW and then …
There’s interpretation of the law …

is not automatically part of the legal system
That laws are totally MEN made
That not all LAWS are fair
That some LAWS are created to support some business or individual interests rather than protecting the common good or even nature.

Слайд 14My last words of advice …

Слайд 15Remember that WE DO MAKE a difference to the world we

live in through our actions …

Слайд 16Live YOUR life as “YOU” and enjoy the journey …

Слайд 17WE are ALL here to LEARN and GROW spiritually …

Слайд 18Thank YOU Enjoy your day …

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