The Hard Truths of Entrepreneurship презентация


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Слайд 1The Hard Truths of Entrepreneurship
Rand Fishkin, Individual Contributor, Moz @randfish |

Слайд 2Download this Slide Deck

Слайд 3With a Story
Let’s Start

Слайд 42001: Rand Drops Out of UW, Two Classes Away from Graduating.

in 2001... Thank god for beards.

Слайд 52005: After 4 Years of Hard Work, Rand & His Mom

Have Built…

$450,000 in personal debt

Слайд 62007: The Blog Rand Started to Learn More About SEO Helps

Moz Pay Off Its Debt!

The SEOmoz blog, coded by Rand in PHP (meaning it barely worked).

Слайд 7Nov. 2007: Moz Raises $1.1mm from Ignition & Curious Office to

Make Software

7 employees and $80K in the bank!

Слайд 82009, 2010, & 2011: We Try to Raise Money Three More

Times… All End in Failure

An email from an investor telling me not to lose sleep, just days before they pulled out of our signed term sheet ☹ and

Слайд 92012: Thankfully, We’d Stayed Profitable!
Our pitch deck to VCs in 2011:

Слайд 10April 2012: We Meet Brad Feld; He’s Dreamy
Brad wrote about TAGFEE:

Слайд 11We Raise $18mm w/ Foundry & Ignition

Слайд 12We Raise $18mm w/ Foundry & Ignition
My favorite coverage was from


Слайд 132012-2013: Moz Grows a Lot
Details from our CEO’s blog post on

2013 in review:

Слайд 14Past 12 Months: We Hit Some Rough Patches
More about this:

Слайд 15Jan. 2014: Rand Steps Down as CEO

Слайд 16of Entrepreneurship…
10 Years
6 Lessons to Share Today.

Слайд 17People & Hiring Matter (but not in the ways you might expect)

Слайд 18
Most companies incorrectly reverse these two.

Слайд 19Via:
What Does “Culture Fit” Mean?
What Culture Is Not
Whether you

rock climb/surf/ hike/watch NFL/etc
What kind of movies you like
Bean bag chairs
Nerf gun fights
Catered lunches
Mashed potato sculpting contests judged by your auditors at Deloitte (yes, we really did this at Moz, and it was totally fun)

What Culture Is

Shared Values

Shared Priorities

Stylistic Cohesion


Mission & Vision

Hiring, Firing, & Promotion Criteria

Cultural Fit


Слайд 20Via:
Common Advice:
Hire slow. Fire fast.
- Every management book & guru

Слайд 21Less Catchy, Better Advice:
Hire slow. Fire with a consistent, empathetic process.


Why? Because consistency in evaluating people and giving them time to improve is essential to maintaining your reputation internally & externally. When firing happens fast, you create an environment of fear, uncertainty, & mistrust.

Слайд 22Humility is the Most Underrated Attribute

Слайд 23

In my experience, those who think highly of themselves are very

hard to work with, and those who don’t think about themselves lack

In my experience, both confidence & arrogance are correlated w/ poor results, while self-deprecation is often correlated w/ the right kinds of humility.

Слайд 24Core Values Are Hard (not having them is way, way harder)

Слайд 25Moz’s Core Values: TAGFEE
The Exception
We share what we do, what we

learn, and where we struggle openly and honestly.

We will be our true selves, never masking our beliefs for commercial gain.

We seek to give without thought of return.

Work is only work if you make it so.

Our most important value – we strive to share the emotions & experiences of others.

We strive to be the exception to the rule, and to take the path less traveled.

Слайд 26
Moz’s Core Values: TAGFEE
The Exception
Real values come from a deep,

personal place in the founders’ past/beliefs.

Real values are disconnected from opinions about what will make the business succeed.

Слайд 27When things go well, values are easy.
When things get rough, values

are important.

“The core values embodied in our credo might be a competitive advantage, but that is not why we have them. We have them because they define for us what we stand for, and we would hold them even if they became a competitive disadvantage.”

- Ralph S. Larsen, CEO of Johnson & Johnson

Слайд 28Core Values Are the Glue that Holds Vision, Strategy, Team, &

Everything Else Together.

Слайд 29Your Team Is Absorbing Far Less Information than You Think

Слайд 30Like most CEOs, I sent emails, presented at team meetings, and

expected people to internalize that information.

This is not the face of a smart man.

Слайд 31Note: the percentages on this visual don’t have credible research behind

them (though the broader concept does):

Слайд 32Assuming knowledge that’s been shared once (or even a few times)

has been internalized by everyone can create fatal pitfalls.

The same type of distribution happens internally at organizations, too.

Слайд 33If Management is the Only Way Up, We’re All F***’d

Слайд 34In Many Organizations, the Only Path for Career Growth is to

Become a People Manager

Career path illustrations from a variety of companies & fields

Слайд 35See Daniel Pink’s Illustrated Video:
What Makes Us Happy at Work?

people are not motivated or made happy by managing others

Слайд 36And, People Managing is NOT the Only Skill of Value to

a Growing Company

Слайд 37At Moz, We’ve Built Two Tracks with Equivalent Compensation & Recognition

Pay ranges at each level are the same across both tracks.

Слайд 38At Moz, We’ve Built Two Tracks with Equivalent Compensation & Recognition

I recently made the move from people wrangling to individual contributor myself!

Слайд 39Building a company is really just a cycle of failure &

learning that, from a distance, resembles overnight success.


Слайд 40
A lot of days feel like this:

Слайд 41We compare ourselves and our success to outliers rather than norms,

and this brings great unhappiness.

We Imagine Entrepreneurship Looks Like This:

Слайд 42In Reality, It Looks More Like This:
Geraldine’s Travel Blog:

Слайд 43Geraldine started her blog in 2009
In Reality, It Looks More Like


Слайд 44For 2 years, she never broke 100 visits/day.
In Reality, It Looks

More Like This:

Слайд 45This is where most people give up.
In Reality, It Looks More

Like This:

Слайд 46These days, she gets 100,000+ visits each month
In Reality, It Looks

More Like This:

Слайд 47Every first-time founder I’ve ever talked to shares a story that

looks a lot like this one.

You are not alone.

In Reality, It Looks More Like This:

Слайд 48The Price of Success is Failure after Failure after Failure*
* Hopefully,

each of those failures provides an opportunity to learn.

Слайд 491) Moz is by no means perfect.
Critical Caveats:
2) Getting this stuff

right does not guarantee success.

3) These lessons were hard learned by me & Moz. I share them in the hopes of saving you that same pain.

Слайд 50Rand Fishkin, Individual Contributor, Moz @randfish |
The Hard Truths of



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