OECD Foreign Bribery Report 2014 презентация

First attempt to undertake an evidence-based analysis of the crime of foreign bribery. Findings should better enable governments and businesses to combat corruption in international business. Analysis

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First attempt to undertake an evidence-based analysis of the crime of

foreign bribery.

Findings should better enable governments and businesses to combat corruption in international business.

Analysis of concluded foreign bribery enforcement actions between entry into force of Convention (15 February 1999) and 1 June 2014.

Analysis limited to sanctions for foreign bribery and related preparatory or participatory offences against 427 individual and corporate defendants.

Original judgments/settlements available in 58% of cases, many unknown elements in data set.

Context + Methodology

Слайд 3Enforcement of foreign bribery laws

Слайд 4How and why are bribes paid?

Слайд 5What is the cost of foreign bribery?
On average, bribes equalled

of the transaction value
and 34.5% of the profits.

In 41% of cases, sanctions ranged from 100-200% of the proceeds of the corrupt transaction.

Слайд 6Proposals for both governments and business to enhance the fight against

foreign bribery, building on findings of the report.

Scope for further, in-depth analysis and additional horizontal studies to build on this first attempt to measure foreign bribery.

Potential for using this model to analyse other forms of corporate crime.

Conclusions + Next Steps

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Thank you

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