Why the Most Important Success Metric in SaaS Is Misleading презентация

What’s the first metric VCs hunt for in your pitch deck? That’s easy..

Слайд 1
Blake Bartlett
OpenView Venture Partners
Why the Most Important
Success Metric in SaaS


Featuring the stars of the new Vince Vaughn movie – Unfinished Business (and other celebrities)

Слайд 2

Слайд 3What’s the first metric VCs hunt for in your pitch deck? That’s


Слайд 4CMRR
Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue

Слайд 5“[CMRR] is the single most important metric for a Cloud business

to monitor, as the change in CMRR provides the clearest visibility into the health of any Cloud business.”

Bessemer Venture Partners
Laws of Cloud Computing

Слайд 6Ask anyone.

Слайд 7This is the foundational metric that everyone scours the pitch deck

to find. But is CMRR growth everything?

Слайд 9Two Companies / Same CMRR Trajectory
Which company is more interesting?

Слайд 10It’s not a trick question.

Слайд 11How does a VC decide which of these two companies to

invest in?

Слайд 12
Contrary to popular opinion, it is (a little) more scientific than

a blindfolded dart-throwing contest.

Слайд 13First things first…let’s look at the next level of detail beneath

total CMRR growth trajectory

Слайд 14Gross New CMRR Added per Month Since each month can be viewed

as a new customer cohort (upsells are excluded), this tells you the size of each new cohort you’re adding (in $). This is basically your new customer sales.

Слайд 15Now which company is interesting? Clearly, ABC.

Слайд 16I MEAN…

Слайд 17ABC has grown the new cohort size (aka sales) by 2.4x

in 2 years. ABC clearly knows how to scale! XYZ is so boring. They’ve been adding $10K of new CMRR every month for two years. WOMP WOMP. No thanks XYZ.

Wait one second…

Слайд 19Aren’t these two charts both examining the same two companies?

Identical on

one chart →

Completely different on other →

Слайд 21
Solving for end-of-month CMRR (1st Chart) is pretty simple arithmetic.
End-of-Month CMRR

Beginning-of-month CMRR + New Customer CMRR + Upsell CMRR - Downgrade CMRR - Churned CMRR.

Слайд 22Let’s look at the inputs:
Beginning-of-month CMRR: more of an input than

a variable here, ignore
New Customer CMRR: we know this from Chart 2. Again, XYZ is growing and ABC is flat
Upsell CMRR
Downgrade CMRR
Churned CMRR

These are all sub-elements of retention

Слайд 23We can conclude…Company ABC has a churn issue.

Слайд 24What’s the best way to measure churn and benchmark against other

SaaS companies? Net dollar retention. If I acquire $1 of CMRR today, what is that $1 worth over time?

Слайд 25I’ve seen a lot of companies recently with strong CMRR growth But

weak net dollar retention – with $1 of CMRR shrinking to 40-50¢ within 12 months

Слайд 26People call this a leaky bucket

Слайд 27But… The best companies are seeing that $1 grow (not shrink) over

time. Welcome to net negative churn.

Слайд 28I know I’m not the Christopher Columbus
of negative churn.

Слайд 29But it’s important

Слайд 30It can be easy to ignore a leaky bucket early on

Слайд 31These guys are good
They’re growing!
Go-to-market is scaling!

Слайд 32But in comparison

Слайд 33This equation measures CMRR in Month X as a % of

CMRR in Month 1

Let’s look at the net dollar retention curves of Company ABC and XYZ to understand what’s going on…

Слайд 34Wow. This is dramatic.

Слайд 35And the rose-colored glasses come off

Слайд 36Let’s assume XYZ is able to scale its go-to-market like ABC.

Which will give us a true apples-to-apples comparison

Слайд 40Compared to ABC…

Слайд 42XYZ pulls away from ABC. XYZ is now ~58% bigger than ABC. All

thanks to superior net dollar retention.

Слайд 43Which makes VCs say…

Слайд 44Let’s invest in XYZ!

Слайд 45What you need to remember
Improving net dollar retention gives you much

more leverage on the go-to-market front.
The 1-2 punch of accelerating customer acquisition and healthy retention is the magic formula for exponential growth and lots of VC love.

Слайд 46
Blake Bartlett
OpenView Venture Partners
You can find more content on
expansion-stage growth at



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