A Local Business Bootcamp 5 Concepts for Social Success презентация

Listen and respond. To everyone. Share Compelling Stories. Pay to Play. Recognize Your ROI (Return on Investment) Time is Money: Automate & Repeat! 5 Concepts for Social Success

Слайд 1A Local Business Bootcamp
5 Concepts for Social Success
Presented by: Dave

CEO, Likeable Local

Слайд 2Listen and respond. To everyone.
Share Compelling Stories.
Pay to Play.

Your ROI (Return on Investment)
Time is Money: Automate & Repeat!

5 Concepts for Social Success

Слайд 3A Few of My Favorite Stats…
Source: Zephoria
Every 60 seconds: 293,000

FB statuses are updated, 350,000 tweets are sent, and 13 professional articles are published on LinkedIn

Americans spend on average 2.7 hours per day on social media

Highest social traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm.

Over 45 million Facebook and 4 million LinkedIn business pages exist

In 2016, there will be an estimated 2.13 billion people on social media

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 4#1. Listen and Respond. To Everyone
“Life is 10% what happens to

you and
90% how you react to it.”

-Charles Swindoll

Слайд 5But first, a tale about listening...
In Las Vegas
About the Aria
And the


And how a little empathy goes a long way!

Слайд 6People are talking about needing your services right now.
Join the conversation!

Слайд 7Responsiveness is No Longer Optional.

Слайд 8How should you deal with a negative comment?
Delete it?
NO! Deleting

tells your customer “I don’t care.”

Ignore it?
NO! No response is a response.

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 9LAST: Listen, Apologize, Solve, Thank.
“We’re sorry you had a bad

experience, Ray. We’ve sent you a private message to solve the problem.”

Слайд 10The 4 Most Important Words in Social Media
“I’m Sorry &

Thank You.”

Слайд 11Use Your Unique Brand Voice.

Слайд 12#2. Share Compelling Stories
My Story
@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 13Tips to Stay Engaging:
Keep It Visual
Keep It Simple
Be Inquisitive!
Social pages with

engaging content increase credibility & keep your followers coming back for more.

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 14Engage through: educating, entertaining, & inspiring
(+ occasionally promoting)
Create A

Content Balance

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 15

Try These Other Social Content Tips...

~From our Free eBook

SocialContentEBook.com ~

Give your followers a reason to engage
Think positive
Remember to K-I-S-S (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
Have a Conversation
Ask Yourself: Is it Shareable?
Know How to Properly Curate
Be Mindful of the 4-1-1 Rule
Keep It Timely
Use Visuals To Enhance Your Message
Tell a Story

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 16#3. Pay To Play
→ Make sure your updates are actually seen

by your audience.

Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & LinkedIn Ads!

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 17Why Pay to Play?

“Facebook Reachageddon” means businesses now have to

pay to play to get their content seen

Facebook Reachageddon= The End of Organic Reach.
If you aren’t paying to boost your posts, only 1-2% of your fans will see your posts organically

Слайд 18Create Smart Audiences
Embrace Hypertargeting
Use Lookalike & Custom Audiences
Customizing for Mobile

Facebook Ads: Quick Wins That Work

Слайд 19Create Smart Audiences
Target exactly the people who matter most to

your business.

Specify everything from gender, to income, to job title, to interests, to location!

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 20The Power of Hypertargeting

Слайд 21Custom & Lookalike Audiences
Get more business and referrals from current customers

people similar to your current customers
Get already-interested prospects closer to buying
Retarget “cold-feet” visitors

Слайд 22Customize Ads For Mobile Too
Mobile→ Newsfeed

←Desktop Newsfeed

Слайд 23ROI: You need it, you crave it, but where can you

find it?

#4. Recognize Your ROI (Return On Investment

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 24The Many Forms of ROI on Social
Offers Redeemed & Shared

Repeat business from current customers
Tagging Friends In Posts
Education → Trust → Loyalty → ROI
Engagement on Merchandise Posts

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 251. Referrals
@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 26Referrals = Social ROI
People are 4x more likely to buy when

referred by a friend (Nielsen)
A referral is the best gift a customer or fan can give you!

Use social to generate referrals at scale
An effective social referral program includes a CTA (call-to-action), compelling image, easy-to-use landing page (with a form!) , & easy tracking

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 27Generate both private & public referrals to generate business!
^128 Referrals!

| #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 282. Offers: Redeemed & Shared
@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 293. Positive Reviews & Testimonials
92% of consumers around the world say

they trust earned media (like testimonials) above all other forms of advertising. (Nielsen)

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 30Proactively generate reviews & testimonials to republish later.
Create a system

to monitor & track reviews & testimonials
Use Facebook to encourage reviews on other channels that are important to your business

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 314. Repeat Business From Current Customers
Look out for
Posts on your

business pages
Direct private messages
This is business coming right to your (digital) door!

@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 325. Tagging Friends In Posts
@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 336. Education → Trust → Loyalty → ROI
@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 347. Engagement on Merchandise Posts
@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 35#5. Time is Money: Automate & Repeat!
Succeeding on social media takes

care and regular attention, which takes time!

Слайд 36Tools We Love
@DaveKerpen | #LikeableWebinar

Слайд 37About Likeable Hub
Use thousands of content ideas at your fingertips and

pre-plan your posts for the most effective times
Automatically scheduled industry-specific content for Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn

Content Creation & Scheduling

Слайд 38TurboPost ™ Technology

Слайд 39Likeable Hub Site

Слайд 40Learn More | Special Promotion
LEARN MORE about Likeable Hub
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December 16th
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Reduced contract length
Other savings, too!
SET UP A DEMO at LikeableDemo.com
OR CALL 212.359.4347

Learn how Likeable Hub can help grow your social through automation!

Слайд 41Grand Prize!
Dave Kerpen

Likeable Local @LikeableLocal

Don’t forget to redeem your Likeable saving at

LikeableDemo.com or call 212-359-4347 TODAY!

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