New York City Community Gardens Cultivating Local Resilience Post-Sandy презентация

Community Gardens Photo: Campos Community Garden, Map: Five Borough Farm Community gardens are Spaces where groups of people cultivate edible & ornamental plants Diverse in form & composition Community-driven stewardship


York City Community Gardens Cultivating Local Resilience Post-Sandy

Photo: Hip Hop Community Garden

Слайд 2Community Gardens
Photo: Campos Community Garden, Map: Five Borough Farm
Community gardens are

where groups of people cultivate edible & ornamental plants
Diverse in form & composition
Community-driven stewardship

NYC Community Gardens
Over 600 gardens

Слайд 3Community Gardens History

Poster: National Archives
Communal gardens served as buffers during

times of crisis (Bassett 1979)

a. Great Depression: WPA Garden
b. WWII: Victory Gardens
c. Urban Decline of 1970s- Community Gardens

Слайд 4NYC Hurricane Sandy
Photo: Boardwalk Garden (T), Campos Garden (B)
Map adapted

from Frantz (2012)

Слайд 5Research Question
What role have community gardens played in the resilience and

recovery of New York City’s coastal “red zone” communities after Hurricane Sandy?

Слайд 6Literature Review
Social-ecological Resilience
Capacity to buffer disturbances, renew & reorganize in response

to change (Tidball & Krasny, 2014)
Factors for fostering resilience during change
(Folke et al. 2002)
Learning to live with change & uncertainty
Nurturing diversity (biological & cultural)
Combining knowledge for learning
Creating opportunities for self-organization

Civic Ecology Practice
Self-organized stewardship initiatives
(Krasny & Tidball, 2012)

Post-Disaster Greening
Social mechanisms of adaptation and transformation (Tidball, 2014)
Community gardening provides cognitive, emotional & community benefits (Okvat & Zautra, 2013)

Слайд 7Case Study Sites
Map adapted from Keefe, Melendez & Ma (2012)
5 Coastal

Community Gardens
Campos Community Garden
(Lower East Side, Manhattan)
Boardwalk Community Garden (Coney Island, Brooklyn)
Hip Hop Community Garden (Arverne, Queens)
Beach 91st Garden
(Rockaway Beach, Queens)
Smith Brothers Memorial Garden (Rockaway Beach, Queens)

Слайд 8Qualitative Methods
Photo: Boardwalk Community Garden
Data Collection:
April 2013- February 2014
Key Informant Interviews

7 (4 women, 3 men)
Participant Observation
garden visits (2- 4 visits/garden)
field notes & photos
Archival Research
documents & websites
Data Analysis
thematic analysis

Слайд 9Neighborhood Convening
Healing Circles
“Look at the 50 people eating homemade chili over

an open fire two days after one of the most devastating hurricanes in the East Coast. ...standing around in our neighborhood when the National Guard can't even get through yet. ...that is the best defense we have against any fear. The best defense we have against looting, rioting, or any other kind of insecurity… And that is a direct result of the community garden. You know, being a hub for safety, security. A blanket of support between neighbors.”
(Gardener, Beach 91st Street Community Garden)

Community Gardens as Local Havens

Photos: Beach 91st Street Community Garden)

Слайд 10Relief Distribution Sites
Art & Memorialization
Food, clothing, water

Solar electricity
Community Gardens as

Adaptive, Open Community Spaces

Photo: Sea-Song Memorial at Hip Hop Garden

Photos: Padre Plaza Garden (T), Solar Sandy Project (B)

Слайд 11Greening to “Normal”
Garden Adaptations
Community Gardening to Connect & Adapt with Nature

Campos Community Garden

(Gardener, B91St Garden)

“...the garden has very much been a catharsis for [local residents]… and something that they're excited about- it's like some semblance of normalcy back in their lives.”

Слайд 12Social Connectivity
Civic engagement & stewardship
Community Gardens as Supportive Communities of Practice

Campos Community Garden

Screen capture: Campos Garden Facebook Page

Слайд 13Community Gardens as Sources of Local Resilience Post-Sandy
Community gardens catalyzing

the resilience, recovery, regrowth of individuals , neighborhoods & local SES

transformation, opportunities to empower, assist and reclaim environments, lives, sense of place and meaning

adaptation, fostering natural, human, social, etc. capital, social-ecological diversity, learning, support networks

Photo: Boardwalk Community Garden

Слайд 14Policy Implications
SIRR’ s resilience - managing for status quo


civic stewardship in report

Importance of managing for change and flexibility

Recognize role of community capacity and environmental stewardship in catalyzing recovery

Support emergent community greening practices and spaces to build natural and human/social capital

Слайд 15Acknowledgements & More!

Community Gardeners from Boardwalk, Campos, Hip Hop,

B 91st, Smith Brothers Memorial Gardens

Colleagues at NYC Urban Field Station

Слайд 16Works Cited
Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C. 2003. Navigating Social-Ecological Systems:

Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Carpenter, S., Walker, B., Anderies, J. M., & Abel, N. (2001). From metaphor to measurement: resilience of what to what?. Ecosystems, 4(8), 765-781.

Colding, J., & Barthel, S. 2013. The potential of ‘Urban Green Commons’ in the resilience building of cities. Ecological Economics, 86, 156-166.

Folke, C., Carpenter S., et al. (2002). Resilience and sustainable development: Building adaptive capacity in a world of transformations (p. 34) The Environmental Advisory Council to the Swedish Government. Johannesburg, South Africa.

GreenThumb. 2014. Greenthumb website.

Lawson, L. J. 2005. City bountiful: A century of community gardening in America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Okvat, H.A. & Zautra, A.J. 2011. Community Gardening: A Parsimonious Path to Individual,Community, and Environmental Resilience. American Journal of Community Psychology. 47:374–387


Слайд 17Works Cited

Tidball, K.G., and M.E. Krasny. (2014). Resilience and Transformation in

the Red Zone. In K.G Tidball and M.E. Krasny (eds.), Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience and Community Greening. Springer, New York.

Tidball, Keith, & Stedman, Richard. 2013. Positive dependency and virtuous cycles: From resource dependence to resilience in urban social-ecological systems. Ecological Economics, 86(0), 292-299.

von Hassell, M. 2002. The Struggle for Eden: Community Gardens in New York City. London: Bergin & Harvey.

Walker, B. and D. Salt. 2006. Resilience Thinking: Sustaining Ecosystems and People in a Changing World. Island Press, London

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