Lemur. Animal world презентация

Слайд 1LEMUR
Animal world
Bissen Aidana 11C

“Ghost of Madagascar”

Слайд 2The reason of my choice

The cartoon on Nickelodeon channel “Penguins of Madagascar” lemur “King Julien”

Слайд 3The habitat of my animal
Lemurs live in Madagascar and Comoros
Due to

the variety of flora in these islands lemurs quickly get used to this ecosystem.

Слайд 4Protecting from predators
The main enemies of lemurs in their natural

habitat are owls, eagles, snakes. They can be protected by powerful claws and dexterous hands. But this tool is available for adults, kids can not hope for their hands.

Слайд 5Climate zone
For a long time
different kinds of these
primates adapted

the jungle of the tropical monsoon climate
the forests
the temperate-marine climate

Слайд 6Nowadays
Most lemur species are listed in the Red

Book and they need protection and special treatment from people.
Now 80% of lemurs are in zoos

Слайд 7

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