What is Green House? What is the pre-history of Green House? What is Green House Effect? What is the causes of Green House effect? Selective Absorbers & the Green House Effect!

Слайд 1



Слайд 2What is Green House?
What is the pre-history of Green House?
What is

Green House Effect?
What is the causes of Green House effect?
Selective Absorbers & the Green House Effect!
What does a greenhouse gas do?
What happens when more and more greenhouse gases go into the atmosphere?
What happens when the Earth gets warmer?
Result of Green House effect!!!


Слайд 3 A Greenhouse (also called a Glasshouse) is
a building in

plants are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to very large buildings. A miniature greenhouse is known as a cold frame.

What is Green House?

Слайд 8 The idea of growing plants in environmentally controlled areas

has existed since Roman times. The Roman gardeners used artificial methods (similar to the greenhouse system) of growing to have it available for his table every day of the year.
Giant greenhouses in the Netherlands
But the first modern greenhouses were built in Italy in the 13th century.

Pre-History Of Green House :

Слайд 10What is Green House Effect?
The Greenhouse effect is a

process that is naturally occurring on our planet. The reason it is a concern is many scientists believe the process is being changed because of our use of energy in the last 100 years or so. When this energy hits the earth, the earth in turn reflects that energy back toward the sun. But the earth has an atmosphere it is surrounded by a shield of water vapor, carbon dioxide and other so-called “Greenhouse gases." The main greenhouse gas is Water vapor. The greenhouse gases also function to reflect some of the sun's radiation away from out planet, so it does not get too much energy from the sun.

Слайд 12Sun energy passes through atmosphere
26% is reflected or scattered
19% absorbed by

clouds, gases and particles
4% reflected to space by Sun
51% reaches the surface

Process of the Green House Effect

Слайд 14 Water is the most important/potent of greenhouse gas.
Water vapor

is transparent to short wavelength radiation and transmits solar radiation to the Earth's surface with little attenuation. However, water absorbs longer wavelength radiation (IR) from the Earth.

Selective Absorbers & the G.H.e

CO2 is not very abundant but it is a potent greenhouse gas that we are able to increase in the atmosphere . By contrast, H2O is already saturated and its amount in the atmosphere cannot be increased.
Increasing CO2 content in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels is thought to result in global warming.
Global warming results in more atmospheric water thus increasing the greenhouse effect — feedback

Слайд 15Deforestation Burning of Fossils Electrical Appliances Population Growth
Causes of Green House Effect:

Слайд 17Water vapor(H2O)
Nitrous Oxide(N2O)
Methane (CH4)
Example of Heat Trapping Gases:

Слайд 18 Greenhouse gas works like a great space blanket that

keeps the heat in. So the sun's rays heat up the earth, and the greenhouse gases stop the heat reflecting back out to space. So the earth gradually gets warmer Global Warming.

What does Green House Gases Do?

Слайд 19Most scientists agree that CO2 plays a role in warming the

Earth through the greenhouse effect.

However, the somewhat controversial hypothesis is that increased (anthropogenic?) CO2 in the atmosphere may enhance the warming of our planet.

CO2 Plays a Role:

Слайд 21The figure shows that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere

has been steadily increasing since the mid-1700's. This corresponds with the Industrial Revolution and the increased use of fossil fuels (especially coal).

These data were obtained from trapped air bubbles in ice layers from Simple Station (Antarctica)

Слайд 23
A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere

that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them, Earth's surface would be on average about 33 °C (59 °F)colder than at present

What happens when more and more greenhouse gases go into the atmosphere?

Слайд 25 The Ice at the north and south poles will

melt, causing the sea levels to rise. The increase in temperature will affect the weather. Eventually the ozone layer "our protection from the sun will deteriorate, and we will feel the true heat of the sun‘s rays.

What happens when the Earth gets warmer?

Слайд 27 Result of Green House effect!!!
Global warming

Sea level rise
Economic impact
Agricultural impact
Effects on aquatic systems
Effects on hydrological cycles
Direct effects of temperature rise
Spread of disease

Слайд 28Reforestation

Personal action

Climate policy
What Can We Do To Help?

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