3 Oil Companies Investing in Wind Energy презентация

Слайд 13 Oil Companies Investing in Wind Energy
Image source: energy.gov

Слайд 2
1. BP
Image source: bp.com

Слайд 31. BP
In 2003, BP changed its acronym meaning from “British Petroleum”

to “Beyond Petroleum.”

Over the next decade, BP built out its wind portfolio to 16 farms in nine states, with a total 2,600 MW of generating capacity.

Слайд 41. BP
But BP’s wind investments aren’t going anywhere.

The company has backpedaled

on its “Beyond Petroleum” idea, and tried (unsuccessfully) to sell off all its wind assets in 2013.

Слайд 5
2. Royal Dutch Shell
Image source: shell.com

Слайд 62. Royal Dutch Shell
Shell has eight wind farms in North America

and one offshore wind project in the Netherlands, with a total 500 MW of generating capacity.

Its offshore project represents some harnessing of its experience with oil and gas platforms.
The company notes that each of the 36 turbines is designed to “withstand North Sea conditions” and is protected from corrosion for 20 years.

Слайд 72. Royal Dutch Shell

But in its latest strategic report, Shell notes

that “While we expect renewables such as wind … to play an increase role, oil and gas will be vital to meet the considerable expected increase in energy demand.”

Don’t expect any windy windfalls anytime soon.

Слайд 8
3. Statoil
Image source: statoil.com

Слайд 93. Statoil

Fact: Statoil is one of the largest oil companies in

the world.

Truth: Statoil is making more strategic and progressive investments in wind than any other oil company out there.

Слайд 103. Statoil

While Statoil lays claim to just 900 MW of planned,

under construction, or operating wind power, it’s doing it strategically.

All its farms are offshore, an area where, according to Statoil’s latest annual report, “[we] have a competitive edge as a result of [our] offshore oil and gas expertise.”

Слайд 113. Statoil

Statoil also notes that “[our] ambition is to play an

active role in reducing costs and making offshore wind profitable, ultimately without government subsidies or support.”

It’s even building the world’s first ever floating offshore wind farm, investing $230 million to expand its wind energy opportunities.

For investors looking for oil stocks with progressive alternative energy outlooks, Statoil wins for wind energy.

Слайд 12The next billion-dollar iSecret 
The world's biggest tech company forgot to show

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