10 Most Popular CNY Snacks презентация

1. Love Letters As its name suggests, love letters (or egg rolls) are little scrolls with embossed designs to imply the secret code between lovers. So for those who desire to

Слайд 110 Most Popular CNY Snacks

Слайд 21. Love Letters
As its name suggests, love letters (or egg rolls)

are little scrolls with embossed designs to imply the secret code between lovers. So for those who desire to boost their romance or relationship, this is the definite snack to munch! They’re fragrant, light and crunchy, and usually quickly diminished especially by guests with children!

Photo sourced from honeykidsasia.com

Слайд 32. Pineapple Tarts
Another kids’ hot favourite, pineapple tarts. It literally means

‘Phoenix Pear’ in Mandarin or ‘Ong Lai’ in Hokkien, which signifies prosperity. There are many variations - from the flower-shaped crust, the ball shape, to the gold ingot. But more importantly is the sweet pineapple paste to welcome good fortune in the new year!

Photo sourced from mustsharenews.com

Слайд 43. Gold Coin Chocolate
Photo sourced from thisnext.com
Remember the days when

your primary school teacher gives out this shimmering coins wrapped in a Hong Boa and the whole class made a ruckus? Don’t cry if its not real gold, the teacher meant good as she wants to ‘sweeten’ your new year.

Слайд 54. Mandarin Oranges
It isn’t Chinese New Year without exchanging and peeling

some mandarin oranges! The Chinese associate a basket of mandarins as having an abundance of happiness and prosperity. They’re bursting with citrusy sweetness, full of Vitamin C which would be a much needed health boost amidst other ‘heaty’ CNY treats.

Photo sourced from goodhousekeeping.com

Слайд 65. Bak Kwa (barbeque pork)
Photo sourced from soshiok.com
Who could resist

the meaty taste of these fragrant delicacy! Legend has it that by chewing Bak Kwa, or ‘Long Yok’ (in Catonese which literally means dragon meat) would bring you vitality, strength and health. But do watch out for the calories!

Слайд 76. Prawn Rolls
One of the more popular treats among the

youths, munching these deep fried prawn rolls signifies happiness and good fortune. Try the sambal or wasabi version for a more fiery hot flavour that would sure tantalise your taste buds!

Photo sourced from scene.sg

Слайд 87. Tray Of Luck
Otherwise known as ‘Pa Kuo Ho’, this

octagonal tray is the traditional 8-sided container used to contain a variety of nuts and dried food for the visitors. The shape symbolises 8 or “ba” (Alex, you will need to insert a chinese 8 character, which is the right way of doing it) which in Cantonese sounds like ‘prosperity’ in the same dialect.

Photo sourced from travelchannel.com

Слайд 98. Red Dates
Red dates or ’Hong Zao’ means ‘prosperity comes early’. It

symbolises fertility and wealth. Roughly the size of an olive, red dates are sour when raw, but sweet when matured and dried. Often eaten with a pot of tea to compliment with the sweetness of the dates.

Photo sourced from theepochtimes.com

Слайд 109. Gua Zi (melon seed)
If you have a strong teeth

and love to nibble, then you would definitely love Gua Zi! These black melon seeds are told to bring an abundance of children as the word ‘Zi’ connotes the same meaning as ‘child’ in Chinese.

Photo sourced from stockfresh.com

Слайд 1110. Crispy/ Grilled Cuttlefish
Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean getting fired,

or at least in this festive context. Cuttlefish, or ‘You Yu’ in Mandarin, means ‘counting continual abundance’. So long as your boss doesn’t give you this you should be safe!

Photo sourced from thisnext.com

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