Where to go in the summer in Russia презентация

Слайд 1Where to go in the summer in Russia

Слайд 2n the summer I really want to visit the black sea

coast of Russia, in Sochi. This is a very beautiful coastal city which is located near the sea and the mountains.
This city takes the first position that lovers go skiing and snowboarding can come to one place and get two pleasures at once , to ride and swim

Слайд 3The warm sea is calling me with its cries of gulls

to swim on the boat and stare in this alluring blue yonder

Слайд 4Several times I saw dolphins very close, it was worth to

lend a hand. It's an unforgettable sight!

Слайд 5f you just love to travel and see the sights, take

tours of the cities-heroes. I advise you to start with Volgograd. It is a city on the shore of one of the largest Russian rivers, the Volga

Слайд 6Volgograd is famous for the legendary and world-famous war memorial Mamayev

Kurgan, the Stalingrad battle Museum, Planetarium. Having been to Volgograd, you will never forget this city.

Слайд 7To go to Russia and not visit its capital impossible

Слайд 8Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world

with its famous red square, the Kremlin and the magnificent huge number of fantastic parks and alleys.

Слайд 9Come, Russia
happy guests!

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