Welcome to Russia! презентация

Слайд 1Welcome to Russia!

Слайд 2 I want to tell you about my native country -Russia.

It is one of the largest country in the world. The total area of our country is 17 million square kilometers. The population of Rassia is 145 million people. The capital of Russia is Moscow. Russia is a cultural country. There are many museums, theatres , cinemas in my country. There many rivers and lakes in Russia. Russia is an industrial country. The colors of the national flag are red, blue and white, The Russian state emblem is a double eagle.

Слайд 3Interesting facts about Russia.
Russians are very hospitable and willing to welcome

into your home. You are likely to drink black tea and feed fatty foods (such as cooked or smoked sausage).
Russians love to hang carpets on the walls
. Resucitate to smile constantly while you are in Russia, especially strangers. "Fake, insincere" American smile angry Russians.

Слайд 4Metro Saint-Petersburg - the deepest in the world. Its average depth

is 100 meters.
Russia is the only state whose territory is washed by twelve seas.
From Moscow to Chicago closer than from Chicago to Rio de Janeiro.

Слайд 5The myth the myth: the Russians think Americans think that bears

walk on the streets in Moscow. Actually the bears are not so frequent in Russian cities, and Americans have a stereotype about wild Russia.

The highest European building - the Ostankino tower in Moscow

Russia is separated from America 4 kilometers

Слайд 7I am very proud that I was born in Russia. Of

course everywhere, even in Russia has its own advantages and disadvantages. But for me it's my home. And of Course we are waiting for foreigners to visit our wonderful country..Russia you will be surprised!

Слайд 8Thanks for watching!

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