Welcome to my home презентация

Слайд 2Answer my questions
Where do you live?
What’s your address?
Which floor do you

live on?

Слайд 3a living room

Слайд 4
a bedroom

Слайд 5a bathroom

Слайд 6a kitchen

Слайд 7a hall

Слайд 8A child’s room

Слайд 9A study

Слайд 10A dining room

Слайд 11Look at the house and name each room.
Example: A is a








2. Where is each room?
Example: The study is in the attic
The … is on the ground / first floor

Слайд 12
People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room. Women

usually spend much time there. We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.
2. There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People have a rest in this room.
3. This room is not very large. We take a shower or have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.
4. There is a TV set, a wall-unit, some chairs and a sofa in this room. We can see some flowers on the walls. There is often a carpet on the floor. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch television, listen to music, or sit around and speak there.
5. This room is not very large. People take off their overcoats, hats, boots or shoes there. There is usually a mirror and a little table there.

Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures

Слайд 13Read the text and find the picture
I live in a house.

My house is nice. I’ve got two rooms. They are a living room and one bedroom. My living room is big and comfortable. My bedroom is small. I have also got a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall. The kitchen is small and the bathroom is small too.

It’s picture …




Слайд 14

Work in pairs and ask each other the following questions.
Where do

you live?
How many rooms have you got?
Have you got a living room in your flat?
Is it comfortable?
Have you got a kitchen / a bathroom/ a hall?
Have you got a bedroom?
How many bedrooms have you got in your home?

Fill in the table

Слайд 15

Let’s play
Pupil 1: I live in a flat.
Pupil 2: It’s nice

and comfortable.
Pupil 3: I’ve got a living room in my flat.
Pupil 4: …

Describe an imaginary flat

Слайд 16Good Bye
Thank you for the lesson

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