Warriors презентация

Слайд 1Warriors

Слайд 2As a child, you would wait

Слайд 3And watch from far away.

Слайд 4But you always knew that you'd be the one

Слайд 5To work while they all play.

Слайд 6In youth, you'd lay

Слайд 7Awake at night and scheme

Слайд 8Of all the things that you would change

Слайд 9But it was just a dream.

Слайд 10Here we are, don't turn away now

Слайд 11We are the warriors that built this town.

Слайд 12Here we are, don't turn away now

Слайд 13We are the warriors that built this town.

Слайд 14From dust.

Слайд 15 The time will come

Слайд 16When you will have to rise

Слайд 17Above the best and prove yourself

Слайд 18Your spirit never dies.

Слайд 19Farewell, I've gone to take my throne above

Слайд 20But don't weep for me cause this will be

Слайд 21The labor of my love.

Слайд 22Here we are, don't turn away now

Слайд 23We are the warriors that built this town

Слайд 24Here we are, don't turn away now

Слайд 25We are the warriors that built this town

Слайд 26From dust

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