Vikings презентация

Vikings were ancient Scandinavian members of the marine campaigns in the late 8th to the mid 11th centuries. The Vikings called them in the Nordic countries; in Russia they

Слайд 1Vikings

Слайд 2
Vikings were ancient Scandinavian members of the marine campaigns in the

late 8th to the mid 11th centuries.
The Vikings called them in the Nordic countries;
in Russia they were known as the Vikings ,
and in Western Europe — the Normans.
The word “Viking” translates from old Norse as “the man from the Vik fjord, Bay.
A fjord is a long, narrow Bay. Typically, these bays are in mountainous terrain.

Слайд 3
From Viking was Russian word "knight".
In the VIII-XI centuries the Vikings

lived on the coast of Scandinavia and the Baltic sea, where Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Слайд 4Representatives of the civilian population of the Vikings lived on
scarce, marginal

land with hamlets, where
located one, but a big family.

Its walls were built of logs or,
covered with boards, or of twigs, covered
clay and covered with stones and turf.

Top for reliability propped up with timbers, and the top
for greater moisture resistance covered
with birch bark and covered with peat. The entrance to the only
common room was located always in the South.

Слайд 5Judging by archaeological excavations,
Vikings were buried with those items,
which could be

useful to them in the afterlife

It was weapons, food, beer, jewelry.
Sometimes rich people were buried together with
slaves, horses and dogs. Their tomb
were very large, because there was
easily accommodate all that they
took to another world.

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