Verb Tenses. Vocabulary презентация


The Receiver who failed ten years before Jonas

Слайд 12 pt
3 pt
4 pt
1 pt
2 pt
3 pt
4 pt
5 pt
1 pt
3 pt




3 pt

4 pt

5 pt

1 pt

2 pt

3 pt


5 pt


The Giver

The Writing




Слайд 2

The Receiver who failed ten
years before Jonas

Слайд 3

Who is Rosemary?

Слайд 4

This was Asher’s

Слайд 5

What is Assistant Director
of Recreation?

Слайд 6
This determines which twin
is released

Слайд 7What is low birthweight?

Слайд 8

The children get their

haircut at this ceremony

Слайд 9What is the Ceremony of Ten?

Слайд 10
She is the author of the
novel, The Giver

Слайд 11Who is Lois Lowry?

Слайд 12

This is the first step of
the writing process

Слайд 13

What is brainstorming
(or prewriting)?

Слайд 14
These help make paragraphs
flow better

Слайд 15

What are transitions?

Слайд 16

This is when you make

the actual corrections
to a paper

Слайд 17

What is editing?

Слайд 18
You use this when you paint

a picture for the audience

Слайд 19

What are snapshots?

Слайд 20

This piece has a heading
and one’s opinion

Слайд 21

What is an editorial?

Слайд 22The past tense of see

Слайд 23

What is saw?

Слайд 24

The future of walk

Слайд 25

What is will walk?

Слайд 26The present perfect
of hope

Слайд 27

What is have/has hoped?

Слайд 28

The past perfect of go

Слайд 29

What is had gone?

Слайд 30
The past tenses of be

Слайд 31

What are was and were?

Слайд 32

The comparison of two
things using like or as

Слайд 33

What is a simile?

Слайд 34
An exaggeration or

Слайд 35

What is a hyperbole?

Слайд 36

Giving a non-human thing
human characteristics

Слайд 37

What is personification?

Слайд 38
A three-line, Japanese poem, usually about nature

Слайд 39

What is a haiku?

Слайд 40

The repetition of consonant

Слайд 41

What is alliteration?

Слайд 42
To offer advice or guidance

Слайд 43

What is counsel?

Слайд 44

A three-legged stand used
to support a camera

Слайд 45

What is a tripod?

Слайд 46

A rest, or nap usually taken
after midday meal

Слайд 47

What is a siesta?

Слайд 48

To refuse service; to protest

Слайд 49

What is boycott?

Слайд 50

To slide sideways

Слайд 51

What is skitter?

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