Typical houses in Britain презентация

Слайд 1In Britain
Typical houses

Слайд 2Proverbs about home
My home is my castle.
East or west ,

home is best.
There is no place like home.
Men make houses, women make homes.
A man without a home is a bird without a nest.
Dry bread at home is better that roast meat abroad.

Слайд 3Types of houses

Слайд 4Detached house is a house that stands separate from its neighbouring property

on all sides, thus being physically DETACHED. When modern housing estates started to be built in the 1920's they became very popular, as were marketed being far superior to terraced houses is a house that stands separate from its neighbouring property on all sides, thus being physically DETACHED. When modern housing estates started to be built in the 1920's they became very popular, as were marketed being far superior to terraced houses, and had space between them and the neighbour on both sides. One side would generally have a drive. Thus they were more expensive to construct and sat on a larger plot than a semi-detached house of the same size. 

Semi-detached дом в Street Томпсон.

Слайд 5Attached house
A house which shares one or more common walls with another house, including row houses and semidetachedhouses.

Слайд 6Movable house
A portable, demountable or transportable building, is a building designed and built to be movable

rather than permanently located. A common modern design is sometimes called a modular building building, is a building designed and built to be movable rather than permanently located. A common modern design is sometimes called a modular building, but portable buildings can be different in that they are more often used temporarily and taken away later. Portable buildings (e.g. yurts) have been used since prehistoric times

New Street StationNew Street Station, Birmingham

North Isles Motel in CunnisterNorth Isles Motel in Cunnister,Shetland

Слайд 7In most towns all over England there are streets of houses

joined together in long rows. Such houses are called terraced houses.

Слайд 8Two houses joined together are called semi-detached houses.

Слайд 9Multicoloured houses

Слайд 10Stately homes
Some of the aristocratic families of Britain still have a

lot of money and live in beautiful stately homes; built by their families hundreds of years ago.

Слайд 11From homes that were featured in films and TV shows to

houses that played major parts in history – here is our list of the Top 11 best Stately Homes in England. 

Castle Howard

Castle Howard is a stately home in North Yorkshire, England, 15 miles (24 km) north of York. 

Слайд 12Blenheim Palace

Blenheim Palace is a large and monumental country house situated

in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England.


Longleat is mostly now known for it’s safari park – touted as the first outside of Africa.

Слайд 13Chatsworth It is the seat of the Duke of DevonshireIt is the seat

of the Duke of Devonshire, and has been home to his family, the CavendishIt is the seat of the Duke of Devonshire, and has been home to his family, the Cavendish family, since Bess of Hardwick settled at Chatsworth in 1549. You’ll recognize it at Darcy’s house in the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.

Слайд 14Thanks for attention!

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