The verb part 5 презентация

Слайд 1The Verb
Part 5

Слайд 2MOOD
is a grammatical category which indicates the attitude of the speaker

towards the action expressed by the verb from the poin of view of its reality
The form of the finate verb shows whether the situation described in it is real/unreal/ hypothetic

Слайд 3The Subjunctive Mood

Слайд 4The Analytic Forms of the Subjunctive mood

Слайд 5Means of expressing unreality(MEU) in Simple Sentences

Слайд 6MEU in Subordinate clauses of condition after if/in case/ unless/ suppose/on

condition that/ provided

Слайд 7Subordinate clauses of condition(II)

Слайд 8MEU in Subordinate clauses of purpose after so that/in order that/lest/ for

fear that/that

Слайд 9MEU in Predicative Clauses and Subordinate clauses of comparison (after as

if/as though)

Слайд 10MEu in Object Clauses(1)

Слайд 11MEu in Object Clauses(2)

Слайд 12MEU IN Appositive and Predicative Clauses

Слайд 13MEu in SUBject Clauses

Слайд 14Emotional SHOULD

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