The political structure of Northern Ireland презентация

Plan of my work: Basic information about country; Province Of Ireland; The state and political structure of Ireland; Political parties of Ireland; The legal system of the Ireland.

The political

structure of Northern Ireland.

Слайд 2Plan of my work:
Basic information about country;
Province Of Ireland;
The state and

political structure of Ireland;
Political parties of Ireland;
The legal system of the Ireland.

Слайд 3The aim of my work:

To study the administrative and political structure

of Ireland and to identify specific features.

Слайд 4Main tasks of my work:
To learn about the government, the judiciary

of Northern Ireland to complete full picture of the political structure of the country;

Слайд 5The relevance of the work:
I would like to write a work

for the April conference on political science , in which I compared political systems of Northern Ireland and Russian Federation.

Слайд 6Basic information about country.
The Republic of Ireland is a country in

Northern Europe occupying most of the island of Ireland. In the North it borders with the UK. The capital city is Dublin, which is home to about a quarter of the population of the whole country (1.4 million people).

Слайд 7Basic information about country.

Слайд 8Province Of Ireland.

Ireland is divided into four provinces – Ulster, Leinster,

Munster and Connaught, which are divided into counties, Ireland is only 26 counties.

Слайд 9The state and political structure of Ireland.

Ireland is a democratic legal

state with a Republican form of government (parliamentary Republic). The Constitution was adopted in 1937.

Слайд 10The state and political structure of Ireland.
The highest legislative body is

the Parliament consisting of two chambers: the house of Commons (Doyle) and the Senate (Senat). The highest Executive body is the government headed by the Prime Minister. The head of state is the President.

Слайд 11Political parties of Ireland.
The main political parties Ireland: Fianna file —

founded in 1926, fine Gael in 1933, the labour party in 1912, labour party in 1969, the green Party, Progressive Democrats, socialist party, Sinn FEIN.

Слайд 12The legal system of the Ireland.
The current Constitution adopted as a

result of the plebiscite 1 July 1937, entered into force on 29 December 1937.

Слайд 13List of literature.

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