The house of my dream презентация

Home is the place where we were in a hurry to come back. Only there we truly feel the warmth, care and love. Everyone wants to have home and I

Слайд 1The house of my dream

Слайд 2Home is the place where we were in a hurry to

come back. Only there we truly feel the warmth, care and love. Everyone wants to have home and
I also want.

Слайд 3The house of my dream is a studio apartment on the

top floor of a skyscraper in New York or London.

Слайд 4There will be access to an open roof with a beautiful

garden, a swimming pool, a large sofa and coffee table. In this place I will meet sunrises and sunsets, look at the world and relax.

Слайд 5An integral part of my house is the windows. I wish

that they were wide because I like the light of day. I also want to watch the wonderful view from the window on the night city.

Слайд 6I really like the workspace, it's important for me so I

want that my workspace will be perfect. Only there I can focus on my work and do this well. On the walls will be motivational posters which will help me found inspiration.

Слайд 7Lounge is the room of cozy atmosphere where my family and

friends will be relax and enjoy communication with each other.

There will be the big soft couches, many cushions, TV, stereo system, many lights and the deep-piled carpet. This room will be made for fun and parties.

Слайд 8I like sleep and I want very big luxury bed. In

this room will be many candles, books and paintings.

Слайд 9I want a little comfortable kitchen. There will be modern devices

which will help me to get delicious food because I don't like cook. Also there will be many plants and lamps. This'll create special atmosphere of home.

Слайд 10Bathroom...mmm... is the most favorite room on the world for me.

Here I can actually relax, enjoy the bubble water and go away from my thoughts and problems.

Слайд 11Thank you for the attention

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