Symbol of Mongolia презентация

Symbol of Mongolia – horse. Horse has been is symbol of Mongolia since XVII. It is a symbol of courage(мужество). One of the friends and helpers of people.

Слайд 1Symbol of Mongolia

Слайд 2Symbol of Mongolia – horse.
Horse has been is symbol of

Mongolia since XVII. It is a symbol of courage(мужество). One of the friends and helpers of people.

Слайд 3Why the horse is the symbol of Mongolia
Because before, horses in

Mongolia could survive in difficult situation. And that they saved their owners
For this reason(по этой причине) the horse made a symbol of Mongolia.

Слайд 4Description
The Mongolian horse is adapted to hard conditions(к тяжёлым условиям). They

have large and powerful body.

Слайд 5War cavalry
During the Second World War there were 2 million horses,

of which 1 million died. In the war every fifth horse was Mongolian.

Слайд 6Thank you for listening.

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