Storage buildings презентация

Presentation storage buildings Differences in bulk and box storages Floors Walls Insulation Mounting of hatches

Слайд 1Presentation storage buildings

Слайд 2Presentation storage buildings
Differences in bulk and box storages


Mounting of hatches

Слайд 3Presentation storage buildings
Different storage systems have different requirements for construction


Box storage: strong floors (intensive fork lift driving, high load per m2

Bulk storage: strong walls to hold the product

Слайд 4Bulk storage: walls & floors

Слайд 5Bulk storage: walls & floors

Слайд 6Bulk storage: walls & floors

Слайд 7Bulk storage: walls & floors
Flat floor is important

prevent damage

on potatoes

easy cleaning

even air-distribution

Слайд 8Box storage: flat & strong floors

Слайд 9Insulation
Insulation is one of the most important aspects to realize a

satisfying storage building. The 2 main functions of insulation:

Keep cold and/or heat out
Prevent condensation

Слайд 10Insulation: PUR foam

Слайд 11Insulation: Sandwich panels

Слайд 12Mounting of hatches

Слайд 13Mounting of hatches

Слайд 14Buildings

Слайд 15Buildings

Слайд 16Buildings

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