Spring презентация


Слайд 2 There are 4 seasons in

a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. I think all seasons are beautiful!

Слайд 3
It is

early autumn
The first flowers appear in April

In May nature begins to bloom

Слайд 4 Nature awakens from her long winter sleep

Слайд 5

In spring the birds come back to our country.

In spring the birds make their nests and doing to have baby – birds.

Слайд 6 In April there are a lot of

first beautiful flowers in the parks and in the woods.

Слайд 7 Nature is bright in late


Слайд 8 It is pleasant to go for a walk to the park

or to the wood in late spring.

Слайд 9 In spring the children spend a lot of time out -

of – doors.

Слайд 10 The boys like to play football. The girls like to

play badminton.

Слайд 11 Spring is the best season for

sports and games.

Слайд 12 It is

cool to have a birthday in March!.

Слайд 13 Long Live spring life!

Katkova Helen
the pupil of

the 4 «A» gymnasium №1257

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