Serpent Sting презентация

What is the Serpent Sting Snakes ubiquitous, so wherever there was a man, he may be subjected to attack. Especially dangerous are a poisonous snake. In Russia and


Student Angelina Zabarna
groups II farm B (9)

Слайд 2 What is the Serpent Sting
Snakes ubiquitous, so wherever

there was a man, he may be subjected to attack. Especially dangerous are a poisonous snake. In Russia and neighboring countries and the most common viper snakes. It is worth noting that snakes are not dangerous for humans. Moreover, they never attack first. Snake attack can undergo only if deliberately to annoy him.

Quite different is the case with other types of vipers and poisonous snakes. They initially aggressive. Better to get around their party as to provoke an attack is enough presence of human or animal.

Слайд 3 The symptoms of snake bite
The clinical manifestations of

snake bites, regardless of their type, are characterized by certain common features. This is due to the presence of components of snake venom.
1. Neurotoxin - affects neural structures;
2. Hemolysin - causes disintegration of red blood cells and other blood cells;
3. Cardio toxins - has a toxic effect on the heart and blood vessels;
4. Cholinesterase - an enzyme that violates neuromuscular transmission;

In addition to these toxins venom contains many other components, which have a destructive effect on tissue.

Слайд 4First aid for the bite of a snake / viper
Reassure the

victim and put in a horizontal position. This slows down the blood flow and the spread of venom.
No pain, swelling and any local or general manifestations is an indication of non-poisonous snake bite;
If you clearly know that the poisonous snake - action begin without delay;
Suction of venom from the wound surfaces. Ideally it should be made by means of a suction or blower. But in their absence resorted to suctioning mouth, if there is no obvious damage to the mucous membrane;
If necessary, a better suction can make small linear incision wounds from the bite;
Overlay compressive bandage above the bite area. This overlaps only partially lymphatic drainage and venous. The arteries to function that will prevent severe disorders of microcirculation and necrotic changes;
With the development of lightning and toxic shock reaction shown resuscitation to restore airway and chest compressions.

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