Robots. Etymology презентация

Слайд 1Robots

Слайд 2Robots are part of the rapidly advancing future of high technology.

At present, on the planet Earth in the field of robotics, revolutions occur almost every week. Robots save people, work in extreme conditions, replace live communication, explore the planets of the solar system and much more. From servants to mentors, robots develop extremely fast. Work in the field of robotics is currently struggling with the most important task: how to equip a robot with artificial intelligence. It is said that it was with this goal in mind that the famous futurist Ray Kurzweil came to work at Google.


Слайд 3The most important classes of robots of wide use are manipulative

and mobile robots.

The robot's hand
Manipulation robot is an automatic machine (stationary or mobile) consisting of an executive device in the form of a manipulator having several degrees of mobility and a program control device that serves for performing motor and control functions in the production process. Such robots are produced in floor, suspended and portal versions. Have received the greatest distribution in the machine-building and instrument-making industries [8].

Mobile robot is an automatic machine in which there is a moving chassis with automatically controlled drives. Such robots can be wheeled, walking and caterpillar (there are also creeping, floating and flying mobile robotic systems

The most important classes of robots

Слайд 4 Education. Their use in various educational institutions of secondary and higher

vocational education makes it possible to implement the concept of "learning by projects", which is the basis for such a large joint educational program of the USA and the European Union as ILERT. The application of the capabilities of robotic complexes in engineering education makes it possible to simultaneously develop professional skills in several related disciplines: mechanics, control theory, circuit engineering, programming, information theory.

Areas of use

Слайд 5Industry
At the production of robots have been successfully used for decades.

Robots successfully replace a person when performing routine, energy-intensive, dangerous operations. Robots do not get tired, they do not need pauses for rest, water and food. Robots do not require a salary increase and are not members of trade unions.

As a rule, industrial robots do not have artificial intelligence. Typical is the repetition of the same movements of the manipulator in a rigid program.

Great success has been achieved, for example, in the application of robots on conveyors of automobile plants. There are already plans for the automotive industry, where all processes of assembling cars and transporting semi-finished products will be carried out by robots, and people will only control them [68]

In the nuclear and chemical industry, robots are widely used for work in radioactive and chemically hazardous environments for humans.

Слайд 6Agriculture
In agriculture, the first robots that carry out automated care for

crops are used [71].

It is forecasted that the sales of robots in 2016-2019. for application in agriculture will be 34 thousand units [67].

In medicine, robotics is used in the form of various exoskeletons that help people with impaired function of the musculoskeletal system [72]. Miniature robots are being developed for implantation into the human body for medical purposes: pacemakers, information sensors, etc. [73]

In Russia, the first robotic surgical complex for performing operations in urology was developed [74].

It is forecasted that the sales of robots in 2016-2019. for use in medicine will be 8 thousand units [67].

Слайд 7Astronautics
Robotic manipulators are used in space vehicles. For example, in the

spacecraft surveillance Orlets, there was a so-called capsule machine, loading small-sized drop capsules with a film. Planetary trunks, such as the Lunokhod and Mars rover, can be considered as the most interesting examples of mobile robots.

Слайд 8The End

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