Restaurant in Moscow презентация

Слайд 1 Restaurant in Moscow
White Rabbit

Слайд 2White Rabbit restaurant is a great opportunity to enjoy magnificent views

of Moscow from a bird's eye view. Here, watching the old capital, you can relax from the heart, relaxing after the noisy bustle and everyday worries. The Suite of institutions is the sight of an amazing design solutions in fusion style. A magnificent combination of an ancient fireplace and carved furniture, an active bar in the center of the main hall and a stunning view of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour and the Ministry of foreign Affairs, a Garden ring, a New Arbat and the Moscow river will make your stay in the White Rabbit truly unforgettable.

Magnificent service and reasonable prices will be pleasant to any, even to the most experienced client. The interior space of the White Rabbit restaurant is divided into three parts. Multi-level stage lighting and romantic shadows create a mysterious atmosphere, giving guests the feeling of light flirting and waiting for something beautiful. Charming view environment, pleasant music that flows like a wall, as well as real home comfort and convenience will allow you to enjoy every minute of your stay at the White Rabbit.

Слайд 4The white rabbit is not the only unique style and the

opportunity to organize a decent vacation with friends, family or colleagues at work. Among the metropolitan public the restaurant is known primarily for its group, it is represented by the chef Konstantin Ivlev. The menu of the institution is a unique combination of European and juicy Russian dishes, which can pleasantly surprise even those who saw gourmet types. A variety of culinary masterpieces and excellent quality of their performance will forever be remembered to you and will attract you here again and again. Restaurant "White Rabbit" is always ready to present its services with the most exotic recipes. Unrivaled oysters or carpaccio from the back of Mediterranean sea bass, flavored with spicy oil or Russian sashimi with horseradish sauce with red caviar and smoked salmon, will present to fans of fish and seafood the most unforgettable impressions. The wine card "White Rabbit" is a fascinating round-the-world trip, in which you are accompanied by a professional sommelier Dmitry Bazashvili. It is impossible to ask new directions in the mixology of various drinks and elite cocktails. And, of course, a wide selection of hookahs will fill the selected drinks with mysterious oriental aromas.

Слайд 5Seasonal local products, author's recipes and subtly thought-out combinations are distinctive

features of the chef's kitchen. White rabbit of Vladimir Mukhin.
Following the rules of high gastronomy, Vladimir every season opens tasting sets, based on new products, ideas, combinations of tastes.

Слайд 6Qualitative classics and creative interpretations formed the basis of the White

Rabbit cocktail card. Cocktails with seasonal fruits and berries, homemade syrups and tinctures, unique national drinks.

Слайд 7In 2017, White Rabbit again entered the top thirty of the

best restaurants in the world, taking 23rd place in the list of The World's 50 Best Restaurants. The flagship restaurant of the White Rabbit Family holding demonstrates the highest results among Russian gastronomy - the history of the rating, which is annually compiled by the British magazine The Restaurants and the international The Diners Club 50 World's Best Restaurants Academy. Recognition of experts, three years in a row giving White Rabbit this award, made the restaurant the main gastronomic attraction of the city.

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