Реnguin презентация


Слайд 1реnguin
Penguins are to нелетающим birds. White Dickey and a black coat

makes them similar to the people. The body is covered with dense short tail, which does not soak. Under the skin is a thick layer of fat, so they are not cold, and may starve. Although the penguins have short wings, but they do not fly. The structural features allow you to survive these birds in the cold, the harsh climate of Antarctica. The Imperial and Royal penguins live only there. The Emperor penguins of the largest. Their length of up to 1.2 m, weight-up to 42 kg. Live colonies of up to 300 thousand birds. Feed on fish, squid and shrimp. Food is extracted himself in the sea. - Bitten wings in the water serve as oars, tail and paws - the wheel. They can move with a speed of up to 40 km/h. (as a submarine boat, submarine). The Imperial and Royal penguins lay in may-June, one egg right on the ice. Males put them on the legs, covering the abdominal folds and incubate their Chicks more than 60 days. Chicks are born covered with fluff and are already seeing. For by their parents dive in the sea, and in the beginning of December, when the Chicks become adults, they will be together to forage. Penguins raise to a special sympathy for the fact that they live in the ice at low temperatures and permanent snow storms Antarctica, but, despite this not leave their homes and take their eggs there

Слайд 2If the of a bird that can not fiy

Слайд 3
We added "one to look" necessary to the row one hundredbusinesses in It life to do completed the name necessary 100 businesses" on our writing monument in expected life havingtime Пингвиндерді. If one on same the business looked, tosmack lips be тұрарлық owner of life, he is пингвин. We tryknowing to look nature Therefore in our today's conversationпингвиндердің. Though Пингвин is be a wing, and not ableto fly up, first jerk stand. It from another the birds especially. Пингвиндер mostly do location South on жартышарда. Bird, that lives basis on Антарктидада. However, goАнтарктиданың пингвиндер, that live piercing cold and onanother the place. For example, settles islands of Галапагосtype of пингвин, that having a horse took that, "Галапагоспингвині". Him on a side year температура Цельсийaccording to шкаласы, 18, specify 28 degrees. Edge, thatmaximally gather пингвиндер on world, - on Пунта Томбо. Пингвиндердің it is possible life seventy five percents to talkat the seaside pay. They putting egg only only, come, that towait, that she opened door light to the world, in dry land.

Слайд 4
Pingvinder akˌ-kˌara tүsí arkˌyly zhyrtkˌyshtardan kˌorġana alady. Sebebí osy arkˌyly olar

zhoġarydan da, alystan da kөzge shaġylysyp, anykˌ kөríne bermeydí. Ġalymdardyң aytuynsha, pingvinder sudyң astynda zhүzíp zhүrgende, zhakˌsy kөre alady. Sonday-akˌ teңízde toppen tamakˌtanyp, top bolyp zhүzu kˌabíletíne iye. Pingvinderdíң denesí zhelbírep ketpeytín ұsakˌ kˌanattarmen kˌaptalġan. Keybír tүrleríníң bastaryna ұzyn kˌanattar өsedí. Ayakˌtary kˌyskˌa bolġandykˌtan, pingvinder zhүrgen kezde, balpaң basyp, kˌyskˌa adymdar zhasaydy. Típtí olardyң kˌinala zhүrgenín kөríp, ayap ketesíң. Al zhүzíp, sүңgu zhөnínen aldaryna zhan salmaytyn pingvinder alyp tolkˌyndarġa tөtep bere alatynay kˌuat pen sheberlíkke iye. Baskˌa kˌұstardan taġy bír yerekshelígí olar bír kˌanatymen ġana zhүzedí. Al ayakˌtary bolsa, olar үshín rөldíң kˌyzmetín atkˌarady. Zheytín azykˌtary - balykˌ. Teңíz suyn da íshedí. Al sudaġy tұzdardy kөzderíníң astyndaġy arnayy bez arkˌyly syrtkˌa shyġaryp tastaydy. Teңízde olar dybys shyġarmaġanymen, kˌұrlykˌta zhүrgende, bír-bíríne dybystar beru arkˌyly aralasady.

Слайд 5
Olar yekí appakˌ zhұmyrtkˌa basyp shyġady. Al zhұmyrtkˌany zhaularynan ata-anasy bírdey

kˌorġaydy. Sonday-akˌ, taġy bír kˌyzykˌ zhayt, pingvinderde өzgeníң zhұmyrtkˌasyna kˌol sұġu ədetí kˌalyptaskˌan. Өzderíníң zhұmyrtkˌalary zhau kˌolyna ketken zhaġdayda, olar өzge pingvinníң ұyasynan zhұmyrtkˌa ұrlaydy. Sondykˌtan zhұmyrtkˌa zharylġan kezde, bír ұyada yekí tүrlí balapan payda bolyp zhatady. Pingvin balapandary ata-analary үzdíksíz zhetkízíp tұratyn azykˌtardyң arkˌasynda tez zhetíledí. Pingvinderdíң yetterí өte dəmsíz bolyp keledí. Tұkˌymdas on segíz tүrí bar delínedí. Olar tүleu kezínde, bír uakˌytta barlykˌ kˌanattaryn tastap, zhaңa kˌanat өsíp shykˌpayynsha, ash zhүredí. Өytkení bұl uakˌytta olar zhүzu kˌabíletínen uakˌytsha ayyrylady. Tүleu sətínde, pingvinder azykˌ үshín өz deneleríndegí maylardy alatyndykˌtan, arykˌtap ketedí.

Слайд 6
Pingvinderdíң íshíndegí yeң írísí - patsha pingviníníң tұrġan kezdegí boyynyң biíktígí

90-120 santimetrge zhetedí. Salmaġy 20-45 kilogramdy kˌұraydy.

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