Reading for pleasure презентация

Focus of the lesson

Слайд 1

Lesson topic: Reading for pleasure
Class: 7

Слайд 2Focus of the lesson

Слайд 3Lesson objectives
You will learn the elements of a story
Discuss your favourite

Analyze a story with the class

Слайд 4Class discussion
Who is your favourite writer from Kazakhstan?
What is your favourite

book or story by Kazakhstani writer? Why do you like it so much?

Слайд 5Elements of a Story
Setting – The time and place a story

takes place.
Characters – the people, animals or creatures in a story.
Plot – the series of events that make up a story.
Conflict – a problem or struggle between two people, things or ideas

Слайд 6Setting
The setting describes where an when the story takes place.
It helps

build background and create images in the mind.
It helps set the tone or mood of the story.

Слайд 7Every story needs characters…

Animals Creatures

Слайд 8
The protagonist is the “good guy”

Слайд 9The antagonist is the “bad guy” or force

Слайд 10Plot Plot- the events that take place in a story.

Слайд 11Conflict
Conflict is the struggle between two forces in a story. Without

conflict, there is no plot.

Слайд 12Your Turn…
1. You will be given a short story to read.

You should find out:
The setting of the story
The main characters of the story
The plot of the story
The conflict within the story

Слайд 13References:

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