Problems of homeless people and it’s solutions презентация

Social problem in modern society The State is obliged to take care of the well-being of its citizens, to ensure a decent standard of living for different categories of the

Слайд 1Problems of homeless people and it’s solutions
Prepared by:
first-year student

the Faculty of Psyhology
Balakina Diana

Слайд 2Social problem in modern society
The State is obliged to take

care of the well-being of its citizens, to ensure a decent standard of living for different categories of the population. Rapidly changing world requires ever greater mobility, but not all sectors of society can adapt to the new conditions, as a result, social categories emerge that requires attention. One such categories are homeless. Homelessness as a social phenomenon is typical for large cities and metropolises, the conditions which allow this category to grow.

Слайд 3Plight of homeless
Perception in society about the homeless, how about dirty

alcoholic who doesn't want to work. But the situation facing homeless very difficult: he had no housing, because of the difficulties in finding a job. Lack of regular hygiene (sleazy appearance and bad smell), loss of communication skills with ordinary people-all these exclude the homeless from the normal society and deprives him of the benefits it could provide.

Слайд 4Psychosocial and psychological characteristics of homeless people:
unwillingness to take responsibility for

your life the absence of an active position in life lack of communication skills with ordinary people shame for their own social status loneliness the prosecution of the other in their life situation lack of desires lack of awareness of the vital perspective

Слайд 5Obstacles that may prevent the homeless to change their lives:
social assistance


socio-psychological barrier

Слайд 6The homeless can receive various forms of assistance:
temporary accommodation for the

homeless free food medical assistance provision of personal hygiene homeless education life skills document recovery search relatives find a job pension, benefits providing emergency psychological care

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