Проблема формирования общей лексикографической компетенции и способы решения (на материале английских словарей цитат) презентация


Cловарь цитат - лексикографическое произведение для широкого круга читателей, состоящее из реестровой части (цитат) и интерпретационной части (зоны толкования), где раскрываются семантико-структурные

Слайд 1Проблема формирования общей лексикографической компетенции и способы решения (на материале английских

словарей цитат)

Слайд 2 Cловарь цитат -
лексикографическое произведение для

широкого круга читателей, состоящее из реестровой части (цитат) и интерпретационной части (зоны толкования), где раскрываются семантико-структурные и прагматические особенности цитат.

Слайд 3«То be or not to be: that is the question»
(used jocularly

when an important decision is to be made or a serious step is to be taken. Usually only the first or the second part of the phrase is quoted)

То be or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and, by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep: To sleep:
Perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this moral coil, must give us pause

(William Shakespeare. Hamlet, act. 3, sc. 1 -1601)
(Bartlett, J. Familiar Quotations)

Слайд 4Тематика цитат

Слайд 5Источники цитат

Слайд 6Массовая культура

Слайд 7Составные части макроструктуры словаря цитат

Слайд 8Пользовательский интерфейс:
цветовое оформление
слова-указатели (guide- words)
заголовки рубрик
индексы цитат
указатели цитат

Слайд 9 Режимы работы со словарем цитат
1) активизация отдельного параметра:

имя автора
биографическая справка
перевод цитаты
контекст употребления

Слайд 10Режимы работы со словарем цитат
2) система переходов:
имя автора → цитата

→ цитата
источник → автор
имя автора → биографическая справка
модифицированная цитата → исходная
цитата → ситуация употребления

Слайд 11Гиперссылки
Franklin, Benjamin 1706-90
…12 In this world nothing can be

said to be certain, except death and taxes.
Letter to Jean Baptiste Le Roy, 13 November 1789
→ See Defoe 312:87

Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed.
History of the Devil (1726)

Слайд 12Ronald Reagan 1911-2004
American Republican statesmen, 40th President of the US

On Reagan: see Keillor 176:12, Schroeder 291:9, Warner 330: 5

Garrison Keillor 1942 –
American humorous writer and broadcaster
12 Ronald Reagan, the president who never told bad news to the
American people.

Patricia Schroeder 1940 –
American democratic politician
9 Ronald Reagan … is attempting a great breakthrough in political
technology – he has been perfecting the Teflon-coated Presidency. He
sees to it that nothing sticks to him

Jack Warner 1892-1978
American film producer
on hearing that Ronald Reagan was seeking nomination as Governor
of California:
5 No, no. Jimmy Stewart for governor – Reagan for his best friend.

Слайд 13 Count Galeazzo Ciano 1903-44
Italian politician

has a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan. The quote means ‘no one wants to recognize defeat as his own’ Diary (1946) vol. 2, 9 September 1942

Arthur Wellesley 1769-1852
British soldier and statesman
It has been a damn nice thing – the nearest run thing you ever saw…
The 1st Duke of Wellington used ‘nice’ in the archaic meaning of ‘careful or precise’ and not the modern ‘attractive or agreeable’ or even more archaic meaning of ‘foolish’

Слайд 14Параметры речевой зоны словарной статьи

характер воздействия
иллокутивные функции

акта коммуникации
отношения между участниками
ситуация коммуникации (время и место)
предмет речи
форма общения
контекст употребления цитаты

Слайд 15Информация об авторе цитаты
Jack Dempsey 1895-1983
American boxer

22 Honey, I just forgot to duck.
To his wife, on losing the Worldheavy weight title,
23 September 1926;

After a failed attempt on his life in 1981 Ronald Reagan quipped ‘I forgot to duck’

Слайд 16Иллокутивные функции цитаты
Franklin, Benjamin 1706-90
American political theorist,

statesman, scientist, inventor
13 What is the use of a new-born child?
Reply when questioned as to the use of a new invention. Quoted in J.Parton Life and times of Benjamin Franklin (1864), pt. 4, ch. 17, p. 402

Betty Boothroyd 1929 –
Labour politician, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1992- 2000
1 Time’s up!
Concluding her valedictory statement
In the House of Commons, 26 July 2000

Слайд 17Адресат, степень близости участников коммуникации, ситуация, предмет речи и форма общения

I'm stuck in this building … I just wanted you to know that I love you. Bye-bye.
Final recorded message for her husband from Melissa Hughes in the World Trade Сenter, 11 September 2001; ‘I love you’ was the final telephone message from many of those trapped in the buildings and planes involved in the day’s terrorist attacks
In Guardian 14 September 2001; see also McEwan 208:14

14 I love you … That is what they were all saying down their phones, from the hijacked planes and the burning towers. There is only love, and then oblivion. Love was all they had to set against the hatred of their murderers.

Слайд 18Как это сообщение передавалось? - recorded message
Кому была адресована цитата?

- for her husband
От кого исходило сообщение? - from Melissa Hughes
Где было записано сообщение? - in the World Trade Сenter
Когда было записано сообщение? - 11 September 2001
При каких обстоятельствах было
записано сообщение? - the day’s terrorist attacks
В какой газете было опубликовано? - Guardian
Когда оно было опубликовано? - 14 September 2001


1.1. Lexicography and lexicology
1.2. The term ‘dictionary’
1.3. Types

of dictionaries
1.4. History of English lexicography
2.1.Dictionary of Quotations: classification and types
2.2.Common characteristics of dictionary of quotations
2.3.Modern trends in the development of dictionaries: electronic dictionaries of quotations

Слайд 20.
Общая лексикографическая компетенция

осознание потребности обращения к словарю для

решения познавательных и коммуникативных задач,
умение выбрать нужное лексикографическое издание с учетом его типа,
умение интерпретировать текст словаря
умение извлекать из словаря необходимую информацию,
умение сопоставлять различные словари


1. Who has said, “England is a nation of shopkeepers”?

Matthew Arnold
b) James Barrie
c) Napoleon Bonaparte
d) Winston Churchill

2. Who has said, ‘Patch grief with proverbs’?
a) Jerome K. Jerome
b) Samuel Johnson
c) George Bernard Shaw
d) William Shakespeare

3. Whose dying words are the following ones “All my possessions for a moment of time”?
a) Elizabeth I, Queen of England, d. 1603
b) Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor, May 5, 1821
c) Louis XVIII, King of France, d. 1824
d) Edward VII, King of Britain, d. 1910

Слайд 224
4. Match the contextual information to the following quotation:
Vivian Nicholson

said to reporters “I want to spend, and spend, and spend” …
a) after winning the lottery
b) after saving a great sum of money
c) after selling her husband’s house
d) on arriving to collect her husband’s football pools winnings

5. Choose the best film title for the famous film line: ‘Death and taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them’.
a) Pretty Woman
b) Gone with the Wind
c) In the Heat of the Night
d) Funny Girl

6. Match the film opening line “I believe in America” to its film title:
a) The Godfather (1972)
b) Klute (1971)
c) Love Story (1970)
d) Take the Money and Run (1969)

Слайд 237. Match the film last line “Nothing’s really changed, has it?

You know what they say: ‘My son’s my son till he gets him a wife, but my daughter’s my daughter all of her life.’ All of our life” to its film title:
a) In the Good Old Summertime (1949)
b) My Friend Irma (1949)
c) White Heat (1949)
d) The Father of the Bride (1950)

8. Match the film last line “Kevin, what did you do to my room?” to its film title:
a) Days of Heaven (1978)
b) Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
c) Home Alone (1990)
d) The Aviator (2004)

9. Match the famous opening literary quotation "All children, except one, grow up" to its author and book the line comes from:
a) Carol Shields, The Stone Diaries
b) J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
c) Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita
d) J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit


Слайд 25

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