Princeton university презентация

Слайд 1МОУ «Вейделевская средняя общеобразовательная школа Вейделевского района Белгородской области» Презентация к уроку

«Колледжи и университеты США» «Принстонский университет США»

учитель английского языка
Ушакова Т.В.

Слайд 2Defining Diversity
Princeton University is a community of learning that is

enriched by the wide variety of perspectives of its students, faculty, staff and alumni. The University is committed to building a diverse campus community by making its distinctive education accessible to students from a broad range of cultural, ethnic and economic backgrounds.

Слайд 3A Distinctive Education
There are many features that define a Princeton

education, but what is most distinctive is the emphasis on providing students with ample opportunity to explore and then deepen their academic interests.

Слайд 4Uniquely Affordable
Princeton admits undergraduate students without regard to their family

financial circumstances and provides loan-free assistance for 100 percent of determined need. Fully 55 percent of incoming students currently receive need-based aid.

Слайд 5Access to Great Minds
Undergraduate and graduate students have direct access

to many of world's best minds, including Nobel Laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners and MacArthur fellows. More than 700 Princeton professors (including Cornel West, shown above leading a freshman seminar) teach and advise students throughout their Princeton careers.

Слайд 6Innovations in Teaching & Research
As Princeton's scholars and scientists push

the boundaries of their fields, they also create new ways to engage students in the excitement of these advances. Some of the most dramatic progress occurs when researchers from different disciplines work together. For example, computer scientist Olga Troyanskaya (above with graduate student Chad Myers) works with seven other faculty members to teach an innovative freshman course that combines biology, physics, chemistry and computer science.

Слайд 7Encouraging Original Thought
The senior thesis gives Princeton students the opportunity

to pursue original research and scholarship on a topic of their own choice under the guidance of a faculty adviser. Above, Katy Milkman combined her interests in engineering and the humanities to conduct a statistical study of the 442 short stories published in The New Yorker from October 1992 through September 2001.

Слайд 8A Broader World View
Many academic programs across the University offer

students chances to explore international issues in exciting ways that they may not normally consider, from visual arts and music to anthropology and the sciences. Additionally, the Study Abroad Program offers myriad opportunities in more than 35 countries.

Слайд 9Princeton's mascot
Princeton's mascot, the tiger, was adopted through custom rather than

proclamation, ironically not long after Woodrow Wilson's class of 1879 donated a pair of monumental lions to guard Nassau Hall's entrance. The use of the tiger -- rather than the lion -- as Princeton's totem has been ascribed to two things: a popular cheer that used "Tiger!" as a rallying cry, and the use of orange and black at athletic competitions.

Слайд 10A Residential Campus
Princeton is a residential campus, where students live

in an environment that emphasizes shared experience. Above, families help students move in at the beginning of the school year.

Слайд 11A Beautiful Campus
From Gothic to Victorian, and from neoclassical revival

to postmodern, buildings in a variety of architectural styles have been carefully planned to blend harmoniously into the landscape of the 500-acre campus. The Princeton experience is unique for each student because the campus offers diverse resources for the mind, body and spirit and enough flexibility for students to explore them in their own distinctive ways. More images are available online.

Слайд 12
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