Practice of english презентация

Слайд 1Group: 2 b intepreter
Teacher: Mukhtarova.Sh.E.

Date: 28.10.2010
Subject: Practice of English
Theme: Doctor Sandford’s House
Aims: to present the new theme, to practice oral and written speech, to increase pupil’s habits and skills in speaking and auding
Methods: training, question –answer
Visual aids: computer, tape-recorder

Слайд 2 The plan of the lesson

Rounding up
Warming up

Слайд 3 Warming up

1 Introductory Speech
2 Proverbs
3 Do you know?
1 Vocabulary Notes
2 Text
1 Questions and answers
2 Description
3 Completing the sentences
4 Grammar spot
1 True or false
2 Retelling of the text
3 Auding
Rounding up
1 Marks
2 Home task

Слайд 4

Doctor Sanford’s House
“Buttercup Cottage”
“Rose Cottage”
“Black and white House”

Слайд 5“The house of everyone is to him as his castle and

fortress”. Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634) There is no place like home. Home, sweet home.

Слайд 6Do you know?
A British family prefers a house with a fireplace

and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. It’s prestigious to have own house. They give not only numbers but “names” of houses. For example: “The Cabin”, “Blue Windows”, “Forget me not Cottage”.

Слайд 7Vocabulary Notes
Comfortable - удобный
Well-planned – хорошо спланированный
Two-storeyed - двухэтажный
Cottage- коттедж, загородный

In front of – перед чем-либо
Lawn – лужайка, газон
Orchard – фруктовый сад
The ground floor – первый этаж
Kitchen - кухня
Pantry - кладовая
Dining-room – столовая
Cosy - уютный
Study – кабинет
Several - несколько
Upstairs – вверху, вверх
Bedroom - спальня
Nursery - детская
Bathroom – ванная комната
Furniture - мебель

Слайд 8Doctor Sandford’s House


Sandford’s house is not large, but it is comfortable
and well-planned. It is a small two-storeyed cottage.
In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers.Behind it there is a little orchard with a few fruit trees in it. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining-room, a cosy sitting-room and Dr. Sandford’s study. There are also several rooms upstairs on the first floor: the Sandfords’ bedrooms, Grandmother’s room, which is also Benny’s nursery, Betty’s room and the bathroom.
The furniture is modern and quite new. But Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture. He must pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own.

Слайд 9Exercises
Put the words in the correct order to make a question.


house Is large ? Doctor Sandford’s
2. and of in front the house it? What behind there is
3. What are rooms in the there house?
4. house? furniture is the What kind of there in
5. Doctor Sandford’s house? it own Is

Слайд 11

Complete the sentence
My living room is not very big,but I

love it. There is a sofa and there are two armchairs.
a small table with a plant on it. There is above the fireplace.
some pictures on the wall. There is a carpet .

Слайд 14Tick the correct sentence.

1. Doctor Sandford’s house is not large, but

it is comfortable
and well-planned.
2. It is a large two-storeyed cottage.
3. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining-room, a cosy sitting-room and Dr. Sandford’s study.
4. There are also several rooms upstairs on the first floor: the Sandfords’ bedrooms,Grandmother’s room, which is also Benny’s nursery,Betty’s room and the bathroom.
5. The furniture is not modern and quite new.
6. But Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture.
7. He must pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own.

Слайд 15
Auding material
My parents have a new flat in the

district. There is a living room , a kitchen , a bathroom,a dining room in the house. The living room is larger than bedroom.It is nice, comfortable,light and airy.There are beautiful curtains on the window. There is a colour TV on the corner of the room.And a beautiful green carpet on the floor. My parents have got a lot of Russian and English books at home. They are in the bookcases and on the shelves. The bedroom is smaller than the living room.There is not much furniture there.

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