Phonetic drill презентация

Слайд 1Phonetic drill
We wonder whether the whether
Will whether the whether,
Or whether the

The whether will kill.

Слайд 2 The 3rd of February


Nature of Kazakhstan

Слайд 3New words:
Petrol stations, n – жанармай бекеті
Factory, n – фабрика, зауыт

v – ластау
Pollution, n – ластану
Fur, n – аң терісі
Destroy, v – қирату, бүлдіру
Soil, n – топырақ

Слайд 4Burabay National
Nature Park Kazakhstan
Nature reserves

Слайд 5State National Nature Park “Burabay”was
organized in August 2002. 14 lakes

with the
water-surface area over 1square kilometer
Each and a lot of smaller lakes are located
on the territory of the park

Слайд 6Burabay Lake is
situated in the
territory of the
Shuchinsky district

of Kokshetau oblast
in the eastern
foothills of Kokshe

Слайд 9Its territory
Length is 4.5 km,
Width is 3.9 km,
Average depth

is 4.5 m
Maxmum depth is 7 m
The shore line is 13.6
Water area is

Слайд 10The shining expance of Blue Bay
Bears a mysterious Zhumbaktas rock.

summer makes much pleasure
to holiday-makers. But quite wistfu
Autumn is fine as welll

Слайд 11Burabay is beautiful
in any season

Слайд 15Thank you!
Very much!

Слайд 16Home work: to learn poem The lesson is over. Good-bye!

Слайд 17
Let’s think:
What should we do to save the nature? 2. What shouldn’t

we do to save the nature?
Ex: We should grow flowers and water them. We should keep the environment clean and protect the nature. We shouldn’t pollute the water, air and soil. We shouldn’t kill animals

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